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September 2016/ Vol.5.0/ Issue-I 

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PART-1 : Research Topic on Medical Science 

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 1 Title Name : Role of Vitamin-C in Nervous System
Author’s Name : Dr. Anil Batta
Country from : India
DOP- 05-10-2016/ Chapter-I/Page – 01-07 [ SEPTEMBER ISSUE ]
Article Code : P1-MDS-V5-I1-C1-SEP2016
Status : Officially published  / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article
View Abstract and Full article : Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is important as an antioxidant and participates in numerous cellular functions. Although it circulates in plasma in micromolar concentrations, it reaches millimolar concentrations in most tissues. These high ascorbate cellular concentrations are thought click here
to be generated and maintained by the SVCT2 (Slc23a2), a specific transporter for ascorbate. The vitamin is also readily recycled from its oxidized forms inside cells. Neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) contain some of the highest ascorbic acid concentrations of mammalian tissues. In addition to its well known role as an antioxidant, the vitamin serves as a co-factor in several important enzyme reactions, including those involved in the synthesis of catecholamine, carnitine, cholesterol, amino acids, and certain peptide hormones. Intracellular ascorbate serves several functions in the CNS, including antioxidant protection, peptide amidation, myelin formation, synaptic potentiation, and protection against glutamate toxicity. The importance of the SVCT2 for CNS function is supported by the finding that its targeted deletion causes widespread cerebral hemorrhage. Once in cells, it is rapidly reduced to ascorbate. The highest concentrations of ascorbate in the body are found in the brain and neuroendocrine tissues such as adrenal, although the brain is the most difficult organ to deplete of ascorbate. Combined with regional asymmetry in ascorbate distribution within different brain areas, these facts suggest an important role for ascorbate in the brain. Neuronal ascorbate content as maintained by this protein also has relevance for human disease, since ascorbate supplements decrease infarct size in ischemia-reperfusion injury models of stroke, and since ascorbate may protect neurons from the oxidant damage associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s. The aim of this review is to assess the role of the SVCT2 in regulating neuronal ascorbate homeostasis and the extent to which ascorbate affects brain function and antioxidant defenses in the CNS. In all of its known functions, ascorbate serves as a one-electron donor, generating the ascorbate free radical (AFR) (Fig 1). The AFR is reduced back to ascorbate within cells by NADH- and NADPH-dependent reductases that have a high affinity for the low concentrations of the radical generated . If the AFR accumulates significantly in areas not accessible to these enzymes, or if its concentration exceeds their capacity, two molecules of the AFR react or dismutase to form one molecule each of ascorbate and dehydroascorbic acid (DHA).


PART-2 :  Research Topic on Agricultural Science 

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 2 Title Name : Report of Grey weevil as a new pest of jute from Bihar (India)
Author’s Name : M.K. Singh
Country from : India
DOP- 00-00-0000/ Chapter-II/Page – 00-00 [ SEPTEMBER ISSUE ]
Article Code : 
Status : Pending  / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article
View Abstract and Full article : Jute (Corchorus sp.) is only fibre crop of Bihar specially basin of Kosi river and one of the most important commercial crop of the region. This crop is grown in summer and rainy season and affected by a large number of organism but some of them get status of pests. Among the all click here
pests Bihar Hairy caterpillar (Spilosoma obliqua), Stem weevil (Apion chorchori), Semi looper (Anomis sabulifera), and yellow mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus) is the major pests while mealy bug (Phenacoccus solenopsis) is minor pest. But since last two years (2012 and 2013) Grey weevil (Mylocerus discolour Boehemam) (also called as ace weevil) is emerging as new pest. This is one of the minor pest in some of the jute growing area and it was completely absent in this region. But now we are observing it since last three years with its increasing population trend. This may be attributed to changing climatic conditions of the region.

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 3 Title NameSoil quality assessment at Trailer Hubs In Kaduna State, Nigeria
Author’s Name : Fanan Ujoh, Frederick Terkuma Ujoh & Iveren Kile
Country from : Nigera
Status : On Process… Download: E-Certificate , Full Article
View Abstract and Full article : Trailers have been the major means of conveying bulky goods across Nigeria. The reliance on this means of transportation has led to the proliferation of trailer parks along major transport routes in Nigeria without detailed studies to understand the impact of related activities 

PART-3 :  Research Topic on Business Management 

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 4 Title Name : Ramifications of Religiosity and Spirituality on Organizational Culture to drive-in Positive Transformation – A Conceptual Analysis
Author’s Name : Mr. Harris Saseendran
Country from : India
DOP- 05-10-2016/ Chapter-III/Page – 11-17 [ SEPTEMBER ISSUE ]
Article Code : P1-BM-V5-I1-C3-SEP2016
Status : Officially published  / Download: E-Certificate, Full Article
View Abstract and Full article : In today’s stressful work environment, employees seek a workplace that augments their religious and spiritual quest. Till date, very few researches have been conducted linking organisational religiosity, spirituality and workplace culture. The purpose of this paper is to present click here
organisational religiosity and spirituality as an emergent construct to enhance holistic transcendence of employees .  This paper presents a conceptual analysis of the effects of religiosity and spirituality on the culture of organizations which affects the overall work-environment, job satisfaction and performance of employees. Furthermore, the reviews provide ample evidence that when spirituality is considered in an organisation, it provides positive results to the organisation like organisational profitabilitity, employee productivity and higher ethical standards.  This paper developed some propositions that can be tested through empirical research in future. A conceptual framework is presented, showing the relationship between religiosity and spirituality as both individual and organizational factors as well as their connection to organizational culture. The implications for professional practice are discussed.


PART-4 :  Research Topic on Social Science

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 5 Title Name : A Cross-Sectional Study Among Physiotherapist To Find The Current Practice Pattern In Treating Mechanical Low Back Pain, And Its Barrier In Adopting Standard Low Back Pain Practice Guidelines
Author’s Name : Ms. Leena Jaiswal1,Mr.R,V,Vijayakumar2,
Country from : India
DOP- 05-10-2016/ Chapter-IV/Page – 18-24 [ SEPTEMBER ISSUE ]
Article Code : P1-BM-V5-I1-C4-SEP2016
Status : On Process…  / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article
View Abstract and Full article : Background: Low back pain is considered as a foremost public health problem, with the life time prevalence ranging up to 84%. The STarT back is the best screening tool in the current practice which stratifies the patients in three different treatment categories. There are many MLBP 

PART-5 :  Research Topic on Entomology & Zoological Science 

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 6 Title Name :Physio Chemical analysis of River Swat at Batkhela District Malakand KPK, Pakistan
Author’s Name : Ijaz Muhammad1, Ali Muhammad2, Sadaf Niaz1, Sumaira Shams1, Asar Khan1*, Iftikhar1 Khan1 and Atta Ullah1
Country from : Pakistan
Status : On Process… Download: E-Certificate , Full Article——————————————————————————————————————————
View Abstract and Full article : Physico-chemical parameters are the water quality parameters which include physical and chemical characteristics of water which shows that whether the water quality was good or not good for aquatic life. Physico-chemical characters of River Swat water at Batkhela, 

PART-6:  Research Topic on Ayush Study 

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 7 Title Name :Treating of Cancer through Tulsi Herbs
Author’s Name : S.Khare & M.S. Khare
Country from : India
Status : On Process…Download: E-Certificate , Full Article
View Abstract and Full article : Cancer is the most dangerous disease and most common disease humans are suffering.    Cancer can be caused due to many factors which includes virus attack, chemical and    physical imbalance of body hormones. Tulsi also known as Ocimum sactum Linn. having 

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