Publication Fees

International Journal Foundation is a self-supporting academic organization and does not receive funding from any institution/government. We solely financed by the processing fees received from authors. The processing fees are required to meet operations expenses such as employees salaries,  internet services, electricity , Office Stationery etc. Besides, the cost money to produce a peer-reviewed, edited, and formatted article that is ready for online publication, and to host it on a server that is freely accessible without barriers around the clock.

General Information of the journal’s Article Processing Cost including  Publication Charge 

IJF publishes all its journals in full open access under a OA license. This allows the scientific community and the general public to gain unlimited, free and immediate access to scholarly articles. To cover the cost of publication, authors pay an article processing charge (APC) for manuscripts accepted after peer-review. There are no charges for rejected articles, no submission charges, and no surcharges based on the figures or supplementary data. Editorial items (Editorials Acceptance Letter, Evaluation Report, Corrections, Additions, Retractions, Letters, Comments, etc.) are published free of charge.

The APC by journal is given in the table below. Publication in the first few issues of a new journal is usually free of charge.

Please note that, before making the APCs for articles please read all the terms & condition carefully and after making the payment the refund is not available in any circumstances but given an adjusting opportunity in next issue.

Fee Wavier : 

The standard fee will be waived for all foreign authors belonging to the countries . Hence, we distribute our Article Processing Cost including publication fees based on world bank economic status per capita for country wise. Here we were given a uniform chart for publication fees as below:

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