Check List for Author(s) before submitting manuscript:
1. Please check category of article under which you want to publish your article.
2. Check for complete and correct Affiliation details (present working address with designation) of all authors/co-authors with email ID. Don’t forget to write email ID of all the authors/co-authors.
3. Abstract: Check for Abstract with Key words.
4. Author(s) are advised to ensure that all reference numbers should be written in increasing order throughout the text of article, if references are cited in Vancouver style.
5. Word limit: Check word limit for particular category of your article. It should be less than 6,000 words excluding Abstract for Original Research Article. For Short Communication (upto 3,000), Review Article (upto 5,000), Case Report (upto 3,000). ABSTRACT should be less than 250 words.
6. Links/Hyperlinks: Make sure there is no link/hyperlink in article. Article should not be in two columns. Article must be in one column. Manuscript must not contain footnote or endnote.
7. Manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font size 12 and Styles- No Spacing; Page Layout: Margins (Normal- 1” from all sides), Size (Letter- 8.5” *11”).