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OCTOBER 2021/ Vol.66.0/ Issue-I 

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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Original Research Article ]

SL.No. Detailed information of the published article
 1 Manuscript Title : The Health Belief Model (HBM) implementation to flood preparedness.
Author’s Name : Nur Laily,Anggun Wulandari2 , Lia Anggraini,Farid Ilham Muddin4
Article Type : Original Research Article
Country from : INDONESIA
Date of Publication:  20-12-2021
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 66.0/Issue
-I/Chapter-I/Page – 01-06 [OCTOBER-2021 EDITION ]
Article Code : MDS-V66-I1-C1-OCT-2021
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
Download PDF : Full article (Pdf)
Doi No : 10.5281/zenodo.5791630


ABSTRACTOne of the natural disasters that has a major impact to health is a flood. Community preparedness is part of disaster risk reduction. Previous research has found that there is a widely developed belief in society about disasters, namely, first, that disasters are unavoidable and thus nothing to worry about. Second, the health sector will manage risk, and disaster risk is not a problem. click here

 This leads to an underestimation of disaster preparedness. So that readiness is minimum and prevention is inadequate. The study of beliefs about flood disaster risk, especially on health and flood disaster preparedness in the community in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan is important. This study aims to analyze the application of the Health Belief Model (HBM) in flood disaster preparedness in the community in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province. This research is analytic, with approach cross sectional. The population in this study is the community in the Hulu Sungai Tengah district. The number of samples taken in the study were 81 people. The instrument that will be used in this research is a questionnaire in the form of a google form. The study was conducted in Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency in June-July 2021. Data analysis used chi-square with a 95% confidence degree. The results showed that the p-values ​​of perceived vulnerability, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and self-efficacy for flood preparedness were 0.235; 0.575; 0.977; 0.249 and 0.976. This means that there is no significant relationship between perceptions of vulnerability, severity, benefits, barriers, and self-efficacy with flood preparedness.

KEYWORDS: Health belief model, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self-efficacy, disaster preparedness.

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Original Research Article ]

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 2 Manuscript Title : The role of young adults on preparedness and behavioral responses on flood disaster risk in the urban-rural area of South Kalimantan Province.
Author’s Name : Vina Yulia Anhar, Ihya Hazairin Noor, Farid Ilham Muddin, Muhammad AzmiyannoorZulfa Emelda
Article Type : Original Research Article
Country from : INDONESIA
Date of Publication:  20-11-2021
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 66.0/Issue
-I/Chapter-II/Page – 07-13 [OCTOBER-2021 EDITION ]
Article Code : MDS-V66-I1-C2-OCT-2021
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
Download PDF : Full article (Pdf)
Doi No : 10.5281/zenodo.5791644


ABSTRACTThe worst flood disaster in South Kalimantan Province happened in the early 2021. 10 out of 13 districts/cities are affected by the flood. Therefore, it is needed to conduct a study that resulting in data as an evidence base in designing the program of community empowerment in the phase of disaster preparedness. click here

 In the research, a study regarding young adults role in preparedness and behavioral responses on flood disaster risk in the urban-rural area of South Kalimantan Province was proposed, especially in the young adults. Young adults play an important role in the understanding of context and sensitive to change, information and technology, which are predicted to be capable of understanding flood disaster risk that are exist in where they live, which affecting in the growth of preparedness effort. The research aimed to analyze the variables of preparedness and behavioral responses on flood disaster risk on young adults in the urban-rural area. The researched variables: area characteristics (urban-rural), threat assessment, disaster preparedness, evacuation and rescue management, and disaster information exposure. The data will be analyzed by chi square or fisher, to view the significance of statistical calculations between the 2 variables, CI limit 0,05 (95%) was used. The research samples are 564 people of 10 districts/cities in South Kalimantan Province. The data collection is done online by using google form questionnaire. The research result shows that the p values in each the variable of threat assessment, disaster preparedness, evacuation and rescue management and disaster information exposure are 0,717; 0,755; 0,001 and 0,037, respectively, therefore, it can be concluded that there is no correlation between threat assessment and disaster preparedness with the respondents’ area characteristics, also, there are correlations between evacuation and rescue management, and disaster information exposure with the respondents’ area characteristics.

 KEYWORDS: Flood, preparedness, behavior, young adult, urban rural.

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Applied Science [ Original Research Article ]

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 3 Manuscript Title : A potential approach for evaluation of groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking, domestic, and agricultural uses in Wama Catchments, East Wollega Zone of Oromia region, Western Ethiopia
Author’s Name : Dr. Shayaq Ali1  & Lalisa Asefa Mekonin2
Article Type : Original Research Article
Country from : ETHIOPIA
Date of Publication:  20-12-2021
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 66.0/Issue
-I/Chapter-III/Page – 14-25 [OCTOBER-2021 EDITION ]
Article Code : APS-V66-I1-C3-OCT-2021
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
Download PDF : Full article (Pdf)
Doi No : 10.5281/zenodo.7296084


ABSTRACT: Wama is a small catchment and  located in southern parts of Abay river basin, Upper part of Didessa sub basin, and bounded between 8024’0”N-900’0”N latitude and 36024’0”E- 37024’0”E longitude. It is characterized by highly rugged topography, dendritic drainage pattern, and tropical to sub-tropical climate condition.  click here

 The area receives high amount of rainfall that reaches 2100mm annually. Much of this influx infiltrates into the thick accumulation of in-situ residua. The thick weathered profile generally serves as a huge reservoir that intercepts vast portion of rainfall and releases it at slower pace to the underlying discontinuous bedrock. Water samples from these boreholes were analyzed to investigate the chemical composition and physical parameters to check if it meets the national and international guidelines for potable water. It was found that pH and TDS vary over narrow ranges of 6.9 to7.5 and 156 to 196 mg/l, respectively. The mean cationic concentration follows the order  Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+  while anions follow HCO3>NO3>Cl>SO42- order indicating that Ca2+ and HCO3 are dominant ionic species in the catchment. Our findings revealed that none of the physical and chemical parameters exceeded the maximum limit suggested by national and international guidelines for potable water. The hydro geochemical analysis result shows that Ca and HCO3 are dominant cation and anion, respectively. Based on graphical plots, the major water type found in the area is Mg-Ca-HCO3 and Ca-Mg-HCO3 The suitability of groundwater for drinking and agricultural purposes was evaluated by comparing with WHO water quality standard and different irrigation water quality indices (Na%, and SAR), respectively. Accordingly, water can serve for both domestic and irrigation without posing much risk.

 KEYWORDS: Assessment, domestic, Geochemical, Groundwater, Surface water

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Education [ Original Research Article ]

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 4 Manuscript Title : Shared finance based on block-chain: Benefits and risks
Author’s Name : Gang Chen1* & Yede Huang2
Article Type : Original Research Article
Country from : CHINA
Date of Publication:  24-10-2021
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 64.0/Issue
-I/Chapter-I/Page – 01-05 [AUGUST-2021 EDITION ]
Article Code : EDU-V64-I1-C1-AUG-2021
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
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Doi No : 10.6084/m9.figshare.16863070


ABSTRACTThe establishment and operation of the shared finance center, the main application of block-chain technology in finance, has brought great convenience to the finance sector. Various enterprises in the group can share financial information in real time through the shared finance center, and the function of finance for daily business support and strategic decision-making is increasingly strengthened. click here

 This paper shows that the characteristics and advantages of distributed ledgers, such as decentralization, de-trusting and irreversible words, that block-chain has can fit the inherent requirements of shared finance, and these characteristics can also ensure the reliability of financial information sources, improve financial management efficiency and enterprise production quality, and reduce financial and production investment costs. In addition, this paper discusses some risks of block-chain in financial applications and how to balance the benefits and risks.
KEYWORDS:  Block-chain, shared finance, financial management, business operation.

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Business Management [ Original Research Article ]

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 5 Manuscript Title : Value at risk (VAR)-Non-parametric methodologies : An approach to the study and application
Author’s Name : Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira*Ângela Daniela da Silva Vaz Eduardo Manuel Lopes de Sá e Silva 3
Article Type : Original Research Article
Country from : PORTUGAL
Date of Publication:  20-10-2021
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 63.0/Issue
-I/Chapter-I/Page – 01-11 [JULY-2021 EDITION ]
Article Code : BM-V63-I1-C1-JULY-2021
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
Download PDF : Full article (Pdf)
Doi No : 10.6084/m9.figshare.16821949


ABSTRACTVAR (Value at Risk), is the maximum probable loss of a portfolio for a given level of confidence, within a specified time horizon. In Instruction No. 4/2008, Banco de Portugal defines Value-at-risk to be “the maximum expected loss that is not exceeded with a specific probability (confidence level) and for a certain period of time (detention period) “.

There are several methodologies for estimating VAR, but they are divided into two large groups: non-parametric (Historical simulations and Monte Carlo simulations) and parametric, based on variance and covariancy.  click here

We will only look at non-parametric methodologies:

  • Historical Simulations that are based on the assumption that the future change in the prices of the relevant assets in the portfolio, is distributed in the same way as in the past;
  • Monte Carlo simulations whose difference to historical simulations lies in the way of obtaining the simulated scenarios, which constitute a sample generated in a (pseudo) random way taking into account a given distribution.

KEYWORDS:  VAR; historical simulations; Monte Carlo simulations, finance portfolio. JEL: classification G32

N.B: We are still in the process of publication, more paper will be added shortly in this issue. 

(i) To Publish your paper in our upcoming issue send your article directly at article.ijf@gmail.com