OCTOBER 2018/ Vol.30.0/ Issue-I
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Business Management [ Original Research Article ]
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1 | TITLE NAME: Employee welfare schemes and worker performance: A study of selected insurance firms in Portharcourt. Author’s Name : Dr. Joel Augustus-Daddie1, Nwiko, Lekia Andrews2, Florence Onyinyechi Iroanwusi3, Ogbobula Princewill4 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : NIGERIA Date of Publication: 15-11-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 30.0/Issue-I/Chapter-I/Page – 01-09 [ OCTOBER-2018 EDITION ] Article Code : BM-V30-I1-C1-OCT2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download PDF : Full article —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : The focus of this paper is to examine Employee Welfare Scheme as a Driving Force to Workers Performance: A Study of Selected Insurance Firms in Portharcourt. The study adopted survey approach in its design. The researchers used a sample of 101 insurance sector workers drawn from ten insurance firms in Portharcourt. The major instrument for data collection was a five point Likert scale questionnaire titled employee welfare scheme and workers performance questionnaire (EWSandEPQ), data analysis was based on the 98 questionnaire that was accurately filled and returned. click here The statistical tools for data analysis are: simple percentage and the Non-Parametric Kruskalwallis test using the 23.0 version of the statistical package for social sciences software (SPSS). This paper concludes therefore that employee’s welfare scheme provided by insurance firms has significant effect on the performance of their employees. It is the recommendation of this paper that to achieve the above, insurance firms must improve on the welfare schemes they offer to their employees especially as it affects the facilitative and economic welfare scheme which has shown to have direct impact on employees performance (H = 0.001 and 0.000 respectively). Furthermore, the provision of recreational welfare scheme shouldn’t be made priority policy issue.Keyword: Economic, Facilitative, OCB, Productivity, Proficiency, Recreational.
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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Biological Science [ Original Research Article ]
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2 | TITLE NAME : Manipulation of Metabolic Pathways in the Halotolerant Unicellular Green Alga Dunaliella salina 19/30 by Observing the Glycerol Production as an Example of a Potential Industrial Process and Commercial Production of Glycerol in the UK Author’s Name : Biswajit Das Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : UK Date of Publication: 15-11-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 30.0/Issue-I/Chapter-II/Page – 10-13 [ OCTOBER-2018 EDITION ] Article Code : BGS-V30-I1-C2-OCT2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full article —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : We report the environmental regulation of a metabolic pathway in Dunaliella salina to understand that the physiological basis of salt tolerance in the alga is the synthesis/removal of intracellular glycerol. The unicellular alga Dunaliella thrives in environments with very high salt concentrations, accumulating large amounts of commercially important chemicals such as β-carotene and glycerol and neutral lipids for biofuel. We determine glycerol levels using acetylacetone method. The goal was to evaluate D. salina with regard to its suitability for commercial production of glycerol.click here |
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Engineering [ Original Research Article ]
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3 | TITLE NAME : GATING SYSTEM IN THIN WALLED COPPER ALLOY CASTING Author’s Name : Barun Kumar Das1, Milan Mukherjee2, Pradip Kumar Saha3 and Prasanta K. Datta4 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : INDIA Date of Publication: 15-11-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 30.0/Issue-I/Chapter-III/Page – 14-18 [ OCTOBER-2018 EDITION ] Article Code : EE-V30-I1-C3-OCT2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full article —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : Large numbers of tiny brass and bronze foundry units thrive traditionally in Indian sub-continent covering Bangladesh and India. Reputed to be producers of a variety of thin walled copper alloy product their production process deserves close technical examination for available sophisticated engineering technology. The intricate shape and thin section with convoluted extensions and aberrations of the cast product throws a great challenge for mechanical engineers to utilize the process for quality production. click here In particular gating of castings for efficient and convenient liquid metal flow into the narrow space of mold becomes the main impediment in production process. With this fluid mechanics in view a research work has been undertaken to examine the foundry sector. Field work reported in this report concluded that many of these units adopted either investment clay molds or common clay molds. Brief characterization of collected castings indicated a wide variety in chemical composition with little regard to metal chemistry. Some gating calculations on these cast items suggested the future quality improvement that could improve surface quality as well as core mechanical properties.Keyword: Gating System, Investment casting, Cu-alloy characterization. ![]() |
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Environmental Engineering [ Original Research Article ]
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4 | TITLE NAME : Comparative analysis between results of Lagrangian and Gaussian Atmospheric Models. Author’s Name : Ricardo De Leon Ortega1, Jose Fabrega2 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : REPUBLIC OF PANAMA Date of Publication: 15-11-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 30.0/Issue-I/Chapter-IV/Page – 19-25 [ OCTOBER-2018 EDITION ] Article Code : BM-V30-I1-C4-OCT2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full article —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : The atmospheric modeling has simple fast-running models with little data demands, which require some academic preparation from users, but the accuracy of their results is questionable and they are recommended only for screening to determine if a complex modeling is necessary or not. SCREEN3 was the screening model used in this research. click here The use of more complex modeling will depend on the atmospheric conditions in the study area, the complexity of the topography and the variability in terrestrial coverage. The Panama Canal being a complex area, with undulating topography, the presence of the change in water-soil cover that contributes to a three-dimensional variability of the meteorological conditions and the phenomena of fumigation, it was proposed to use the Lagrangian model CALPUFF. However, it was important to consider the evaluation, through a correlational analysis of the results, of the advantage of using CALPUFF instead of SCREEN3. The results of both models yielded Pearson coefficients for the three modeled pollutants (PM10, NO2, SO2) in a range of 0.7 to 0.84, indicating a considerable correlation; however, the values of CALPUFF hourly concentrations were greater than the SCREEN3 values up to a factor of 5, which would suggest the use of CALPUFF.Keyword: Atmospheric Contamination, atmospheric modeling, CALPUFF, Panama Canal, SCREEN3, Thermoelectric Plant. ![]() |
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5 | TITLE NAME : Using Dispersion Statistic Scales as an Indicator for assessing the Biological Diversity. Author’s Name : Remal Shaher Al-Gounmeein1, Ibrahim M. Alrawashdeh2 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : JORDAN Date of Publication: 15-11-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 30.0/Issue-I/Chapter-V/Page – 26-31 [ OCTOBER-2018 EDITION ] Article Code : MCS-V30-I1-C5-OCT2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full article —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : Using statistical analysis is important for ecology ministry, municipality organization, agriculture and industrial sectors. Means, standard deviations, variance, CV% and correlations were used as an indicator to assess the biological diversity. SPSS and PAST programs were used to analysis the data collected from natural habitats. Based on the dispersion statistics variance and CV% showed the most informative measures. High values of CV% recorded the highest biological diversity as well variance showed similar findings.click here CV% affirmed that diversity increased with increasing the elevation of regions above sea level. The coefficient of variation is valuable since the standard deviation of facts must always be known in the context of the mean of the data. Correlation coefficient (R) demonstrated the negative relationship between the species grown at the wild habitats. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used and emphasized that there is wide diversity among the wild type biological species. Statistical tools and its applications are very important in evaluation the biological diversity which helping in developing conservation action plan for national, regional and international level.Keyword: ANOVA, Correlation, CV%, Jordan, PAST, Standard deviation.
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6 | TITLE NAME : Sensory-Motor-Integration training in students with attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder : Positive effects of Neurofeedback on Brain Network Activities. Author’s Name : Shin-siung Jung1 & Simon Jung 2 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : TAIWAN Date of Publication: 15-11-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 30.0/Issue-I/Chapter-VI/Page – 32-36 [ OCTOBER-2018 EDITION ] Article Code : MDS-V30-I1-C6-OCT2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full article —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract :Purpose: Function of NeuroFeeedBack to minor sign of ADHD. 1980 1n cooperation of physical therapists, we started Sensory Integration Therapy in Taiwan on Saturday afternoon for 2 hours; for 1 years without remarkable improvements. As organizer, I decided we have to do intensive courses. We asked mothers of ADHD students let them daily participate 40-minute intensive exercises in the morning. All mothers attended to prevent dangers between the students. click here Within 2 weeks, the teachers and parents all reported to us that the ADHD students had become quiet, fully concentrates, and quickly finished homework. These changes indicated brain re-well organized. Notably, all severe symptoms of ADHD had improved in 2 weeks except minor ones and feelings of heat floating in prefrontal area. We have used this exercise for 35 years, with excellent results.Methods: From 2017/03/01 to 2018/02/28, Everspring have 65grade students with ADHD near the end of Sensory-Motor-Integration-Training (male 47-72%), female (18-28%), age ranged from 7.3 to 12.5years. Everspring wanted to know how are diffuse other brain waves conditions, seeking causes of the minor sign origins. We asked parents’ permissions and used EEG fine machine checking all of their brain waves. In normal and health state showing Standard Scores in range (0~±2), all abnormal need special consideration of doing Neurofeedback.Results: ADHD 51 students through Sensory-Motor-Integration-Training and participate Neurofeedback all showed networks z Scours (±2~±3) or worst, and also having flustrations.Conclusion Neurofeedback were near 100% improved to normal range (0~±2).ADHD minor symptoms all improved on neurofeedback return normal z Scoures (±2~±0). This is a great success in minor symptoms of ADHD from Nneuro-rehabilitation and Neurofeedback from Neuropsychology.Keyword: ADHD, Brain Waves Networks, Neuro-therapy, LD, NeuroFeedBack, SMI-Tx Training.
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7 | TITLE NAME : Large Bowel Obstruction Caused by Foreign Body – Case Report Author’s Name : Monika Rezacova1 & Stephanos Pericleous2 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : UK Date of Publication: 15-11-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 30.0/Issue-I/Chapter-VII/Page – 37-41 [ OCTOBER-2018 EDITION ] Article Code : MDS-V30-I1-C7-OCT2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full article —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : Large bowel obstruction is defined as a mechanical or functional obstruction at the level of colon or rectum, not allowing the natural passage of the products of digestion. It typically occurs in the elderly and requires prompt medical/surgical treatment. click here 70-year-old Caucasian woman suffering from locked-in syndrome presented to the emergency department with a distended abdomen and absolute constipation for 3 days. Abdominal X-ray showed features of large bowel obstruction.An emergency scan confirmed large bowel obstruction caused by a foreign body in the patient’s rectum with likely surrounding reactive mural thickening.All of the numerous causes of large bowel obstruction need to be considered and addressed during history taking, examination and forming of a differential diagnosis. As in our case, CT scanning is invaluable in forming a diagnosis and cause of large bowel obstruction. It can quickly guide management of such cases.Keyword: Large bowel obstruction, Mechanical obstruction, Foreign body, PEG tube, Sigmoidoscopy.
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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Original Research Article ]
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8 | TITLE NAME : Is Blood loss reduced by delaying the first administration of a Direct Thrombin Inhibitor for Thromboprophylaxis in elective total knee replacement? – Original Study. Author’s Name : Monika Rezacova1, Vineet Batta2 & Yegappan Kalairajah3 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : UK Date of Publication: 15-11-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 30.0/Issue-I/Chapter-VIII/Page – 42-47 [ OCTOBER-2018 EDITION ] Article Code : MDS-V30-I1-C8-OCT2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract: The primary aim of this study was to examine the correlation between the dabigatran administration initiation time (0-4 h vs. > 4 h post-surgery) and the respective blood loss in patients undergoing elective total knee replacement.click here Patients facing major orthopaedic operations, including total knee and total hip replacement, are at risk of venous thromboembolism. Dabigatranetexilate is a new oral, direct thrombin inhibitor, clinically approved for prophylaxis of thromboembolism in patients undergoing elective orthopaedic joint replacements.Patients selected for the study were split into two groups differing in the time of DE administration initiation (0-4 h vs. > 4post-surgery). The formula of Nadler was used for the quantitative determination of the peri-operative blood loss in these patients.There was no significant difference in the calculated mean blood loss between the two groups. The calculated mean blood loss for the 1-4 h group was 331ml, compared with 331 ml in the > 4 h group (p > 0.05). This showed no reduction in bleeding even with a delayed DE administration. Investigation of the delayed initiation ofdabigatran administration suggested that the late dabigatran administration have been due surgeon’s decision based on increased risk of bleeding.The efficacy and safety of DE administration was comparable at both times (0-4 h vs. > 4post-surgery) and no clinically significant disadvantage concerningperi-operative blood loss could be observed when performing an early administration initiation of DE.
Keyword: Dabigatran etexilate, Total knee replacement, Blood loss, Venous thromboembolism, DE administration initiation |
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Engineering [ Original Research Article ]
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9 | TITLE NAME : Improvement of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Bottles Loading Capacity at the Gas Filling Centres in Cameroon Author’s Name : Theodore Tchotang1, Nasser Yimen2, & Bienvenu Kenmeugne3 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : CAMEROON Date of Publication: 15-11-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 30.0/Issue-I/Chapter-IX/Page – 48-53 [ OCTOBER-2018 EDITION ] Article Code : ENG-V30-I1-C9-OCT2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : The study done on this paper focuses on “improving the loading capacity of LPG bottles of the gas filling centres in Cameroon”. It came at a time when the demand for LPG bottles is growing. The absence, failure, and efficiency of the gas filling centres have a direct influence to the economy of Cameroon, whereas the filling of these bottles is a key element in the production chain. click here The loading operation to the trucks is an important task in the gas filling centres. The objective of this paper is to design a palletizer to reduce the loading time of LPG bottles and to ensure the safety of the workers. To achieve this goal, the adopted methodology begins with a functional analysis of a palletizing unit, followed by the choice of components and then sizing these different components. The LPG bottles under study have a diameter of 290 mm and a height of 600 mm. The classic process of palletization retained has many advantages in particular a high speed and its flexibility. The loading capacity of the palletizer is 14 bottles per minute. The unit is consist of 2 pneumatic cylinders of 300 mm and 700 mm length, 80 mm and 160 mm as rod diameters respectively. It also consists of 2 chain conveyors having 0.18kW and 0.55kW as engine power. This work had improved the performance of the studied filling centres by 36.81%.Keywords: Design, Filling, Loading time, LPG, Palletization, Sizing
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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Original Research Article ]
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10 | TITLE NAME : Documentation Practice and Associated factors among Nurses Working in Jimma University Medical Center, Jimma Town, South West Ethiopia Author’s Name : Admasu Belay Gizaw1 , Ebrahim Yimam Reta2 , Selam Ayele Mamo3 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : ETHIOPIA Date of Publication: 22-11-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 30.0/Issue-I/Chapter-X/Page – 54-61 [ OCTOBER-2018 EDITION ] Article Code : MDS-V30-I1-C10-OCT2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract: Nursing documentation is an essential component of nursing practice that has a potential to improve the patient care outcome. Poor documentation among nurses has been shown to have negative impacts on the health care quality. However; little has been explored about nursing documentation practice in the study area. The purpose of this study is to assess nursing documentation practice and associated factors among nurses working in Jimma university medical center. click here Institution based cross sectional study design was employed. Data was collected using a structured self- administered questionnaire and nursing care standard checklist. Pre-taste was done among 10 % of sampled nurses working in shenen gibe Hospital. Simple random sampling technique was utilized. Data was entered into Epidata version 3.1 and then exported to SPSS version 21 for analysis. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression was done. A p-value of less than 0.05 was used to declare statistical significance.
The study result showed 48.6% good nursing documentation practice. Adequacy of documenting formats, time, supervisors’ motivation, training and familiarity with operational standard of nursing documentation were significantly associated with practice of nursing care documentation. In conclusion, nursing documentation practice was poor (51.4%) among nurses under the study. The institution need to create awareness and close monitoring and evaluation and nursing leaders should motivate the employees to enhance the practice of documentation and avail the necessary documenting materials. Keyword: Documentation, Documentation practice, Nursing care. . |
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Biological Science [ Original Research Article ]
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