JUNE 2019/ Vol.38.0/ Issue-I
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Original Research Article ]
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1 | Manuscript Title : Effect of body mass index on Cardiac output after Coronary Angioplasty in patients of Acute Myocardial Infarction Author’s Name : Dr. Samir Kumar Singh1, Dr. Manish Bajpai2, Dr. Sunita Tiwari3, Dr. Rishi Sethi4, Dr. Dileep Kumar Verma5, Dr. Gaurav Chaudhary6 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : INDIA Date of Publication: 15-07-2019 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 38.0/Issue-I/Chapter-I/Page – 01-05 [ JUNE-2019 EDITION ] Article Code : MDS-V38-I1-C1-JN2019 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download PDF : Full article (Pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : Background & Objective: Generally overweight and obese are at more risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. But few researchers found that when coronary artery disease (CAD) developed in overweight and obese patients, it does not cause poor clinical outcome accordingly. There are very few numbers of studies done to find out relation between body mass index (BMI) and outcome of coronary angioplasty (PCI). So objective of this study is to find out effect of BMI on outcome of angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients. click here Methods: It is a cross-sectional, self control, interventional study. In the present study Cardiac output (CO) of 52 patient of AMI were assessed by echocardiography before and after (one week) angioplasty. End diastolic volume (EDV), End systolic volume (ESV) & Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) diameter, measured by ECHO were used to calculate CO. Statistical software IBM SPSS version 16 was used for analysis of data. Results: A positive and statistically significant coefficient of correlation (r=0.327 and p=0.018) was found between actual BMI and the value of CO after coronary angioplasty. Linear regression analysis was also done taking CO after coronary angioplasty as dependent variable and actual BMI as independent variable. It can be hypothesized that the person having higher BMI will show more improvement in CO after angioplasty. Conclusion: Increased BMI is associated with improved outcome after coronary angioplasty in AMI patients.
KEYWORD: Acute myocardial infarction, Body Mass Index, Cardiac output, Coronary angiography, Echocardiography. |
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Language [ Original Research Article ]
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2 | Manuscript Title : Political thought of Al-Imam Al-Syaukaniy in the Tafseer book “Fathul Qadir“ Author’s Name : * Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Fahmy Arief Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : INDONESIA Date of Publication: 15-07-2019 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 38.0/Issue-I/Chapter-II/Page – 06-14 [ JUNE-2019 EDITION ] Article Code : LNG-V38-I1-C2-JN2019 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full article (Pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– ABSTRACT : Al-Imam Al-Syaukaniy was one of the scholars who had a tendency to speak in the political field. Some of his political thoughts are contained in his monumental work entitled: Tafseer Fathul Qadir. One of the hallmarks of this book is, its description is a combination of the Riwayah Method and the Dirayah Method. click here It is called Riwayah because the Tafseer book uses verses from the Koran, the hadits of the Prophet Muhammad and the opinions of Sahabat in explaining the intentions of the verses of the Koran. It is also called Dirayah because the Tafseer book uses linguistic rules in analyzing the verses of the Koran. In the Tafseer Book “Fathul Qadir”, Al-Syaukaniy talks about leadership and deliberation, about the right of citizens to obtain justice and about the right of citizens to live in association and assembly.
KEYWORDS :Political Thought, Al-Imam Al-Syaukaniy, Tafseer Book “Fathul Qadir”
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Science & Technology [ Original Research Article ]
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3 | Manuscript Title : The Causal link between vaccination adjuvants and autism. Author’s Name : * Thomas Prevenslik Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : Germany Date of Publication: 15-07-2019 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 38.0/Issue-I/Chapter-III/Page – 15-19 [ JUNE-2019 EDITION ] Article Code : SCT-V38-I1-C3-JN2019 Status : Not published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full article (Pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– ABSTRACT : Adjuvants essential in vaccines to stimulate activation of the immune system comprise submicron (< 100 nm) nanoparticles (NPs) of aluminum hydroxide that upon vaccine injection cross the blood-brain-barrier and because of their low solubility may remain in the brain for an extended time. click here Despite over 70 years of use, the mechanism underlying the stimulation of the immune system by adjuvants has not been understood. Solar UV optically stimulates most antigen complexes, but except for the skin is not available inside the brain. By the process of simple QED, the NPs lacking heat capacity by the Planck law conserve heat from brain tissue by emitting optical UV radiation instead of increasing in temperature. Hence, the causal link between vaccination adjuvants and autism is proposed to be the UV produced by constituent NPs. However, the UV also damages the DNA of immune system complexes and increases the pro-inflammatory interleukin (IL-6) cytokine levels common in autism patients. Pre-vaccination tests of IL-6 level in the brain including UV blood tests common in immune-modulating therapy are suggested to determine if a patient will have an adverse vaccination response. Patients having high IL-6 levels are not recommended for vaccination.
KEYWORDS :Adjuvants, Autism, Nanoparticles ,Quantum Mechanics, UV, Vaccinations
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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Social Science [ Original Research Article ]
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4 | Manuscript Title : Assessing the impact of social media on the Academic achievement of students in Addis Ababa University: the case of 6kilo campus Author’s Name : * Hanna Denbegna Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : ETHIOPIA Date of Publication: 15-07-2019 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 38.0/Issue-I/Chapter-IV/Page – 20-28 [ JUNE-2019 EDITION ] Article Code : SCS-V38-I1-C4-JN2019 Status : Not published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full article (Pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– ABSTRACT : Social media is a media where various sections of the society communicate and exchange their ideas; it is a way for people to view as well as share information on different issues. These media include Facebook, twitter, blogs, LinkedIn, Myspace, Skype, WhatsApp, and Viber and so on. Some most commonly used social Medias are Facebook, Skype, twitter, YouTube, Google. Researches show that 73% of people use social networking sites and 75% have cellphones to get access to these media. Issues raised by the social media can mobilize the society to a particular social, economic and political ends or achievements. click here The main issue that deserves to be raised is the issue of the positive and adverse effects of social media usage to its users specifically to students. The positive effect can only be manifested while these medias are used the right way , the right way as in given a limited amount of time to socialize , given it provides the needed information. It is undeniable that media is having a great impact upon students’ academic performance, due to the extra and excess time and effort they put into it in and outside of their classrooms /on and off lecture time/. Spending a lot time on such sites had narrowed the capability of the students from performing that is mainly because they waste their time following other people’s status, chatting, posting pictures, updating their status and all. such activities have no use to broaden ones way of thinking or knowledge let along it drags and wastes the time for students to keep up with their academic studies , it lessens their class participation in class because they stay focused on these sites under their desk , and what’s worse it makes them believe that knowing , being smart and modern comes from that . students need to understand and perceive the world differently and focus on their academic performance in order to reach to their goals rather than being busy working hard to make the world know them and help them know about others .
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N.B: Our publication process is going on. More paper will be added very shortly in this current issue…
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