JULY 2018/ Vol.27.0/ Issue-I
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Thesis Paper ]
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1 | TITLE NAME: Evaluate the Effectiveness of Selected Nursing Intervention on Management of Back Pain among Employees working in a Selected Company, Bangalore Author’s Name : Mrs. Abilasha Sharma1, & Dr. Lakshmi A2 Article Type : THESIS PAPER Country from : INDIA Date of Publication: 05-08-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 27.0/Issue-I/Page – 01-88 [ JULY-2018 ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V27-I1-C1-JULY2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download PDF : Contents & Abstract , Chapter-I (Introduction), Chapter-II (Objective), Chapter-III (Review & Literature), Chapter-IV (Research & Methodology), Chapter-V (Results), Chapter-VI (Discussion), Chapter-VII (Conclusion), Chapter-VII (Summary), Chapter-IX (Bibliography) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : Statement of the problem: “A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Selected Nursing Intervention on Management of Back Pain among Employees working in a Selected Company, Bangalore.”Background of the study : Musculoskeletal disorders are the most prevalent occupational disorders among individuals working in different companies. Low back pain gradually affects the activities of the individuals leading to poor quality of life. Some interventions such as ergonomic modifications and workplace exercises may help to alleviate these disorders. In current scenario, most of the companies do not give such facility to their employees and which makes their employees suffer with terrible back pain. Hence the investigator is intending to carry out an investigation to evaluate the effectiveness of back muscles strengthening exercise on Management of the level of back pain among employees. click here Objectives: To assess the pre-test and post-test level of back pain among employees.
Null hypotheses: H1– There is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test level of back pain among employees in a selected company.H2– There is a significant association between pre-test pain levels and demographic variables. Methods : The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of selected nursing intervention on management of Back Pain among employees working in a selected company bangalore. The study design was pre-experimental design and the approach used was quantitative approach to evaluate the effect of nursing intervention in reducing of back pain. The tool used was modified Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire. The prepared tool was validated by the subject experts and the reliability of the test was tested by using karl pearson formula. The sample consisted of 50 employees of a selected company who met the inclusion criteria. Purposive sampling method was used to select samples. The researcher obtained formal permission from the concerned authority of the institution and company. The study was conducted over a period of four weeks from 19-12-2016 to 17-01-2017. The Modified Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire was self- administered to employees of a company named The Source Hub. The researcher followed all ethical principles throughout the data collection period. The collected data was entered in Excel sheet for analysis. Results : The result revealed that majority of the employee (68%) had moderate pain and (32%) had severe pain in the pre-test with a Pre-test mean of 15.92. In the post test majority (64%) the employee had mild pain and (36%) had moderate pain with a post-test mean of 8.48. The calculated value of Paired‘t’ test is 16.72 which is greater than that of table value 1.96 at 0.05 level of significance which shows the effectiveness of nursing intervention over level of back pain.. The association between the level of back pain and demographic variables revealed that the Gender, Marital status, Monthly income, Duration of working hours, and Type of working shift Exercise frequency in past 12 months, family history of LBP, Medical services provided by the company, History of accidents or injury, weight and Body mass index have showed a significant association with back pain thus accepting the null hypothesis. Discussion and conclusion : The study results showed that majority of the employees had moderate and severe level of back pain before intervention. After intervention the back pain had reduced to mild pain and moderate level. The results clearly demonstrated that back strengthening exercise had showed a greater impact on the reduction in level of back pain. Thus the study concluded that the selected nursing intervention was effective in management of Back Pain. Key words: Selected nursing intervention, Management of back pain, Employees, Selected company. GDE Error: Error retrieving file - if necessary turn off error checking (404:Not Found)
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Earth & Space Science
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2 | TITLE NAME : A MEASURING MASS TRIPLE FOR THE NEUTRINO OSCILLATION Author’s Name : Dr. Gudrun Kalmbach H.E. Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : GERMANY Date of Publication: 05-08-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 27.0/Chapter-I/Page – 01-03 [ JULY-2018 ISSUE ] Article Code : EHS-V27-I1-C1-JULY2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full Article (Pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : In [3] the use of Gleason measures GF for nucleons and deuterons is described. The Fano line 257 (first figure, the seven octonian GF) is a mass measure, a spin like tripel in an octonian space. click here I suggested this orthogonal triple for the neutrino ocsillation, carrying the three masses of neutrinos. As a measuring apparatus in an octonian vector space it is a rotor where in space 123 only one of the three neutrino masses is used for its momentum measure. The rotor can orthogonal turn a 257 vector to another one of the three masses.As a new experiment, the mass measure of a neutrino flow can be prepared such that they have the smallest mass. Then in the measuring apparatus their speed is slown down. It is expected that as for spin measurements, but here for mass, a stochastic number of the neutrinos change the 257 vector to one (second figure at -x or -y or -z) with a larger mass for the new momentum measurement. The flow should then have a larger measured mass. The design of his kind of new experiment follows the Stern- Gerlach experiment for spin where the same set of particles is measured twice in a time sequence. In [7] other versions for the neutrino oscillation are discussed. A Gleason mass triple is not involved in this description of neutrino disappearances.
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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science
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3 | TITLE NAME : AUTISM IN ADULTHOOD : WHICH COST AT QUALITY OF LIFE Author’s Name : Dr. Fabienne Giuliani Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : SWITZERLAND Date of Publication: 05-08-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 27.0/Chapter-II/Page – 04-09 [ JULY-2018 ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V27-I1-C2-JULY2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : There is currently much concern for the health of young individuals with autism, but this insistence around early detection leaves the impression that a person on the autism spectrum becomes “normal” as time passes. Worse yet, it is somewhat like there is nothing more to do once the early years have passed, regardless the original severity of the disorder. click here We don’t share this perspective since autism is an irreversible neurobiological condition from which a person isn’t cured. The goal of this perspective is to discuss how person on the autism spectrum can remain undetected during childhood because unfortunately, for many psychiatrist in switzerland that the person on autism spectrum that remain undetected until middle age is largely anecdotal.KEY WORDS : Autism in adulthood ; quality of life ![]() |
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Arts & Humanities
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4 | TITLE NAME : Bell Metal Industry in Colonial and Post-Colonial Bengal –Its Origination, Development, Problem and Future. Author’s Name : Dr. Sumit Kumar Mondal Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : INDIA Date of Publication: 05-08-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 27.0/Chapter-III/Page – 10-13 [ JULY-2018 ISSUE ] Article Code : AH-V27-I1-C3-JULY2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : The emergence, development and expansion of this bell –metal industry is unanimously a creation and fabrication by Kansa Banik Community that has enabled this industry to its pinnacle of success. Conclusively, it can be said that the social political and economical importance of this industry were felt among the people of rural pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial Bengal [1]. click here |
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5 | TITLE NAME : Correlation between menopausal symptoms and quality of life among postmenopausal women Author’s Name : Prof. SREERENJINI .B 1* Prof. M. MUTHULAKSHMI 2 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : INDIA Date of Publication: 10-08-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 27.0/Chapter-IV/Page – 14-18 [ JULY-2018 ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V27-I1-C4-JLY2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : Background: Menopause is a critical period in a woman’s life that is associated with multiple physical, vasomotor, psychological and sexual complaints. Objective: To assess the severity of menopausal symptoms and their impact on quality of life among postmenopausal women in selected villages of Coimbatore.click here Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 250 postmenopausal women aged 46-60 years were randomly interviewed using q structured questionnaire. I has three pars- Socio demographic characteristics, Menopausal Rating Scale to assess the menopausal symptoms and QOL using the 29-item Menopause-Specific Quality of life Questionnaire. Results : out of 250 study subjects 133(53.2%) experiencing a sensation of heat over face, face and body weekly once, 134(53.6%) had excessive sweating in the night on alternate days, 135(54%) experiencing palpitation weekly once and 127(50.8%) experiencing chest tightness weekly once. Majority of them have sleeping problems like difficulty in falling asleep 125(50%) in weekly once and waking up early 168 (67.2%) on alternate days. The overall median score of quality of life with respect to vasomotor and psychosocial domain were higher than the physical and sexual domain. The mean score of overall quality of life among postmenopausal women was found 4.1± 0.3 and the median was 4.1. Conclusion: The result shows that menopausal symptoms significantly affects the QOL.KEY WORDS : Post menopause, Menopause Rating Scale, Quality of life.
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6 | TITLE NAME : Effectiveness of Video Assist Teaching Module on fourth years nurses student practice about Nasogastric Tube Feeding – Faculty of Nursing Science, Shendi University 2018 Author’s Name : Hayat Fadallah Mukhtar1 , Higazi Mohamed Ahmed Abdallah Awad2, Salma Gadallah Mohamed Ahamed3, Tayseer Hassan Siddig Alfadel4, Alia Abdelhafez Abdalrhaman5 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : SUDAN Date of Publication: 15-08-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 27.0/Chapter-V/Page – 19-22 [ JULY-2018 ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V27-I1-C5-JLY2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : Background: Nurses knowledge can directly influence the success of nutritional support program with NG tube feeding .The internet based educational material can help staff nurse to improve the knowledge and practice regarding NG tube feeding, So there is higher need to increase nurse’s knowledge and practice in this domain.click here Aim: This study aimed to assess effectiveness of video teaching module on knowledge and practice regard NG tube feeding among nursing. Methods: This quasi experimental study was conducted at Shendi University Faculty of nursing science. (42) Nursing students were selected randomly, then data was collected by observational check list and analyzed manually and presented in figures and tables. Result: Implied that the educational program was having positive effect, on enhance student’s practice related to nasogastric tube feeding ,nurses students showed poor performance pre test in pre procedure (35.7%) and satisfied during and post procedure( 66.7%), (61.9%) respectively, but their performance was improved during post test . Recommendation: the study recommended that the video assist teaching program should be implemented as one of teaching module specially in the pre lap session, because it enhances the students learning skills.KEYWORDS : Nasogastric tube – nursing – video – teaching – program.
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7 | TITLE NAME : MAGNESIUM SUPPLEMENTATION IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES : A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Author’s Name : Ricardo Silva Tavares 1, Barbara Rocha Gonçalves 2, Breno Oliveira de Assis 3, Emílio Ernesto Garbim Júnior 4, Jullyana Egito Peixoto Costa 5, Camila Botelho Miguel 6, Wellington Francisco Rodrigues7 Article Type : REVIEW ARTICLE Country from : BRAZIL Date of Publication: 20-08-2018 Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ] Article Identification : Vol. 27.0/Chapter-VI/Page – 23-27 [ JULY-2018 ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V27-I1-C6-JLY2018 Status : Officially published Publisher : International Journal Foundation Download: Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to clarify the role of Mg2+ in diseases linked to cardiovascular risks. METHODS: A retrospective systematic review of the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online and Latin American (MEDLINE) and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) databases was performed. The following keywords were used for queries: “magnesium supplementation,” “diabetic,” and “lipid profile.” The inclusion criteria for the selection of papers were as follows : original articles or systematic reviews with and without meta-analyses, published between January 2007 and April 2017. Studies that were unrelated to magnesium replacement and cardiovascular function as well as case reports were excluded.click here RESULTS: Initially, 472 articles were obtained. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 13 articles were evaluated. Overall, Mg2+ supplementation had a favorable effect on glycemic and lipid indexes in patients with diabetes and/or pre-diabetes. Two studies demonstrated that Mg2+ did not have a significant effect on laboratory test results. In these studies, 62.5% of patients had uncontrolled hbA1c and dyslipidemia, 41% were obese, and 82% had HOMA-IR ≥ 2.5. CONCLUSION: Mg2+ supplementation may contribute to reductions in the risks of cardiovascular diseases. However, owing to the conflicting results, additional complementary studies are needed, not only to improve our understanding of the beneficial pathways involving Mg2+, but also to facilitate the development of robust guidelines for clinical practice.KEYWORDS : Cardiovascular disease, Magnesium, Treatment.
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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Business Management
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