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JANUARY 2019/ Vol.33.0/ Issue-I 

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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Business Management [ Original Research Article ]

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 1 Manuscript Title : The impact of perceived equity on employee performance: The moderating role of equity sensitivity
Author’s Name : Dr. Yousif  Riyadh  Mahmood
Country from : IRAQ
Date of Publication:  05-02-2019
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 33.0/Issue
-I/Chapter-I/Page – 01-09 [ JANUARY-2019 EDITION ]
Article Code : BM-V33-I1-C1-JAN2019 
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
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Abstract : Studies about individuals commitment to organizations acquire renewed interest in light of the changes imposed by new organizational structures and ‘boundary-less’ careers. The need to identify and retain individuals who add value to the organization constitutes an increasing challenge facing human resource professionals. In this context it is necessary to establish stronger links between the individuals and the organization they work for.   click here
Therefor, the destination of the current scientific paper is to investigate the liaison between employee perceived equity and employee performance in the AL-qadisiyh university. Data were gathered using a questionnaire of 105 employees (administrative employee, Tutors, lecturer, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors) at five colleges. Findings revealed high degree of liaison between perceived equity and employees performance, where a “motivator” was employee outcome and equity sensitivity. The study also revealed that there was correlation between perceived equity and employee performance with consideration employees characteristics. Inconclusive sentences, preliminary research and below discussed the implications and limitations .
KEYWORD: Effective organizational commitment; perceived justice; perceived equity; The Equity Sensitivity

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Physics [ Original Research Article ]

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 2 Manuscript Title : Introduction to Consciousness
Author’s Name : Mr. Prashant Chauhan
Country from : INDIA
Date of Publication:  05-02-2019
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 33.0/Issue-I/Chapter-II/Page – 10-11 [ JANUARY-2019 EDITION ]
Article Code : PHY-V33-I1-C2-JAN2019 
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation 
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Abstract : Light always travels in a straight line. It is our consciousness that makes it to bend around a mass as predicted by general relativity [1]. Based on a hypothesis, the angle of consciousness has been derived. Paper is also an indirect proof of author’s theory of special connectivity [2].  click here
 KEYWORDS: Light; Consciousness; General relativity; Angle of consciousness; Theory of special connectivity.  

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Original Research Article ]

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 3 Manuscript Title : The Effect of Personality Traits and Burnout Levels in Trinity School of Medicine Students
Author’s Name : Sue D. Stazetski1Binu Shrestha2
Country from : St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Date of Publication:  05-02-2019
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 33.0/Issue-I/Chapter-III/Page – 12-17 [ JANUARY-2019 EDITION ]
Article Code : MDS-V33-I1-C3-JAN2019 
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  

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Abstract Overwhelming negative stress can lead to burnout in medical students, which can cause a decrease in academic performance. Several factors can play a role, such as personality, work/school environment, and home life. Personal burnout levels of Trinity School of Medicine (TSOM) students were investigated in relation to personality traits and counterparts. A self-administered survey regarding personal burnout levels was assessed via the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI), and the personality traits and counterparts were assessed via the personality test from 16Personalities.com. The survey was sent to 207 TSOM students in terms one through five. click here
Pre-med students were not assessed. Seventy-four responses were obtained, but five were excluded as the survey was not filled out appropriately, yielding a 33.33% response rate. Chi-squared revealed a significant result regarding the turbulent counterpart and in marital status. Turbulent individuals were more likely to be in burnout levels 3 and 4. Those that were in a relationship or married were less likely to be in burnout levels 3 and 4. The former suggests that those with the turbulent counterpart are more likely to develop burnout and should take preventative measures. The latter suggests that those with social support are less likely to develop burnout.
KEYWORDS: burnout, burnout levels, medical students, personality traits.   

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CATEGORY : Research Topic on  Medical Science [ Original Research Article ] (French Version)

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Author’s Name : Kodjo Agbéko Djagadou1 , Toyi  Tchamdja2, Komi Dzidzonu Némi1, Lohanimpo Djalogue1Abago Balaka1 , Mohaman Awalou  Djibril1
Country from : TOGO
Date of Publication:  05-02-2019
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 33.0/Issue-I/Chapter-IV/Page – 18-20 [ JANUARY-2019 EDITION ]
Article Code : MDS-V33-I1-C4-JAN2019
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation

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Abstract : Objectifs : l’objectif général était de déterminer le coût direct de la prise en charge des patients en insuffisance rénale  chronique (IRC) au CHU SO de Lomé et plus spécifiquement déterminer le coût global de l’IRC et relever les différents coûts de la prise en charge de l’IRC. Méthode : il s’agit d’une étude prospective, transversale et descriptive sur une période de six mois allant du 1er février au 31juillet 2018 au service de Réanimation médicale et au service de Néphrologie-Hémodialyse du CHU SO de Lomé. click here
Résultats : dans notre étude avons trouvé 104 patients souffrant de l’IRC. Les dépenses annuelle en moyenne par patient étaient de 11.422.490,7 FCFA soit 17424,4 euros. Le coût moyen des différentes composantes était : pour la dialyse 5.328.091,4 FCFA, soit 8127,6 euros ; les médicaments 1.607.292,4 FCFA, soit 2451,8 euros ; le transport et l’alimentation 1.009.345,2 FCFA, soit 1539,6 euros ; le coût moyen des examens complémentaires 243.106,7 FCFA, soit 370,8 euros ; le coût moyen des consommables 122.854,2 F CFA, soit 187,4 euros ; le coût  moyen d’hospitalisation 43.349,5 F CFA, soit 66,1 euros ; le coût moyen de consultation était de 8.989,4 FCFA, soit 13,7 euros.Conclusion : l’IRC constitue un problème de santé publique dans les pays en voie de développement et sa prise charge est coûteuse.KEYWORDS: Coût, IRC, CHU SO, Lomé, Togo.

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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Original Research Article
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Author’s Name : Dr. Pradkhshana Vijay1*, Dr. Nilesh Pardhe2, Dr. Shaleen Chandra3, Dr. Shalini Gupta4Dr. Supriya Sharma5,  Dr. Priyanka Singh6
Country from : INDIA
Date of Publication:  05-02-2019
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 33.0/Issue-I/Chapter-V/Page – 21-24 [ JANUARY-2019 EDITION ]
Article Code : MDS-V33-I1-C5-JAN2019
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  

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Abstract : Background: Oral cancer is preceded by potentially malignant disorders. Oral Leukoplakia is one of the best-known pre-malignant lesions in the oral cavity that has the highest rate of malignant transformation. Literature shows numerous studies have been conducted on an altered lipid profile in head and neck cancers. An inverse relationship between serum lipid profiles has been seen in oral cancer and precancer. The present study was done to evaluate the serum lipid profiles in oral leukoplakia cases. Aim and objectives: To evaluate the alteration in serum lipid profile in patients with oral leukoplakia. click here
 Materials and method: The study was conducted on 20 oral leukoplakia cases and 20 controls. Lipid profile included analysis of total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high cholesterol (HDL), very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL), triglycerides (TG) and ratio of high and low density lipoprotein cholesterol. Lipid profiles were measured using the standard reagents. Results: TG, LDL & VLDL were more in males in both groups. TC and HDL levels were highest in females, but were non significant. A significantly reduced serum level of HDL, VLDL, TGL, TC and LDL were also reduced in the oral leukoplakia group. TGL were highest in patients who had mild dysplasia and lowest TC, while, moderate dysplasia cases had highest TC and lowest TG, LDL, VLDL, HDL. Conclusion: The reduced levels of lipid profile in cases of leukoplakia could be due to tobacco habits that reduced the lipid fractions. The reduced levels of lipid in oral leukoplakia could be used to assess the malignant transformation that could help in early detection and prevent the progression to carcinoma. Key words: carcinogenesis, lipid peroxidation, tobacco, dysplasia

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science Original Research Article ]
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6 Manuscript Title : Gastric HCL and ulcerogenic potentials of chloroquine,Fansidar and Metakelfin
Author’s Name : Jimmy E O1 & Umoh I U2
Country from : NIGERIA
Date of Publication:  15-02-2019
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 33.0/Issue-I/Chapter-VI/Page – 25-27 [ JANUARY-2019 EDITION ]
Article Code : MDS-V33-I1-C6-JAN2019
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  

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Abstract : Comparative gastric hydrochloric acid Secretion was studied in males & females albino rats with three antimalaria drugs; chloroquine® fansidar® and metakelfin®.  Of the antimalaria drugs studied, Chloroquine was found to increase stomach hydrochloric acid secretion at (P<0.05) in all the four weeks period of observation. However, fansidar increased gastric hydrochloric secretion during the first and second week of observation after its administration (P<0.05) but the secretion was not significant (P<0.05) in the third and fourth week of observation. click here
Metakelfin showed a significant increase in hydrochloric acid secretion in week one, two and four (P<0.05) but insignificant secretion was observed in week three. It is concluded that chloroquine and metakelfin have the tendency of inducing peptic ulcer but fansidar may be a potent drug for peptic ulcer treatment.Key words: Chloroquine, fansidar, metakelfin, gastric   secretion and peptic ulcer.

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science Case Report]
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7 Manuscript Title : Pre Orthodontics Frenectomy: Flip side of the coin- A case report
Author’s Name : Dr Sanjeev Jakati 1, Shrinidhi M2, Soumya BG3, MR Jyothirmayee4, Dhanyatha Pasala 5
Article Type :  Case Report 
Country from : INDIA
Date of Publication:  15-02-2019
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 33.0/Issue-I/Chapter-VII/Page – 28-32 [ JANUARY-2019 EDITION ]
Article Code : MDS-V33-I1-C7-JAN2019
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  

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Abstract : Maxillary midline diastema is a common aesthetic problem in mixed and early permanent dentitions. The space can occur either as a transient malocclusion or created by developmental, pathological or iatrogenic factors. Many innovative therapies varying from restorative procedures such as composite build-up to surgery (frenectomies) and orthodontics are available. click here
Although literature says every frenectomy procedure should be preceded by orthodontic treatment, we opted for frenectomy technique prior to orthodontic intervention with a null hypothesis to test the other side of the coin. Presented herewith is a case report of a 27-year-old Female with a high frenal attachment that had caused spacing of the maxillary central incisors. A closure of the midline diastema was noted within 6 months following frenectomy & adjunct orthodontic treatment.
Key words: Frenectomy, Midline Diastemas.

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Case Report ]
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Author’s Name : P Salome Satya Vani1 , Manichandana G2, C.vani3
Article Type :  Case Report 
Country from : INDIA
Date of Publication:  15-02-2019
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 33.0/Issue-I/Chapter-VIII/Page – 33-34 [ JANUARY-2019 EDITION ]
Article Code : MDS-V33-I1-C8-JAN2019
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  

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Abstract : BUDD CHIARI SYNDROME   results from obstruction to the venous outflow of liver from the hepatic veins till the inferior vena cava. Clinical presentation of Budd Chiari Syndrome is variable.  click here
 Most of the patients present with abdominal pain, hepatomegaly and ascites. We report case of 44yrs female admitted in hospital for the evaluation of the Budd Chiari Syndrome. The importance of correct diagnosis by the physician and sub sequent management is reviewed.Key words: Budd Chiari Syndrome, myeloproliferative disorders, thrombotic, non-thrombotic.

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Computer Science [ Original Research Article ]
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9 Manuscript Title : Control the movement of nodes for sensor networks and simulate the state of contract failure.
Author’s Name : Nada Badr Jarah
Country from : IRAQ
Date of Publication:  15-02-2019
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 33.0/Issue-I/Chapter-IX/Page – 35-39 [ JANUARY-2019 EDITION ]
Article Code : CMOS-V33-I1-C9-JAN2019
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  

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Abstract : In sensor networks, the data is transmitted through a set of nodes spread over a specific area where the sensor is monitored and the specific state of the nodes is assembled to be in a fixed position. Because of the development and widespread spread of Wireless communication and robot, the  nodes in sensors networks became moving, The research represents  to control the movement of nodes using broadcast push and communication  among nodes. click here
 The problem of failure to bind to some nodes has also been demonstrated when sensing a particular situation of the control area of the sensor network environment.This research  deals with the study of the stages of the development of the motion methods of nodes in  the sensor networks, suggesting a method for the main station to predict the failure of the contract and the use of simulation to evaluate the results using Matlab, where the sensor network environment in which the contract is malfunctioned is handled through the time of node sharing in the network.Key words: Wireless Sensor Networks, the nodes Failure, SR-N.

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Original Research Article ]
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10 Manuscript Title : Cytological Patterns and Molecular Detection of Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus Aureus in Buccal Mucosa among Local Tobacco Users
Author’s Name : Manar G. Shalabi1, Israa M.Omer2, *Anass M. Abbas3
Country from : SUDAN
Date of Publication:  15-02-2019
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 33.0/Issue-I/Chapter-X/Page – 40-44 [ JANUARY-2019 EDITION ]
Article Code : MDS-V33-I1-C10-JAN2019
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  

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Abstract : Objectives: This study was carried out to assess the cytological changes and to detect methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus in oral smears among local tobacco users in Port Sudan city, Sudan, using Cytological Pap smear and PCR technique to help in detection of MRSA among local tobacco users. Materials and Method: One hundred buccal smears and oral swabs were obtained randomly from local tobacco users. The specimens were cytologically prepared and examined, swabs were cultured on Blood Agar with novobiocin disc and Mannitol Salt Agar for primary isolation of Pathogen.Then mecA gene detection was done used PCR technique. click here
Result: 32% subjects were identified with keratinization, 21% of the users were identified with bacterial infection and moniliasis, inflammation was present in 18% of the users in the Pap smear.  A 70 Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from the mouth swab, and 14 MRSA was isolated out of this 70 Staphylococcus aureus, 1 out of this were positive for mecA gene. Cytological changes and MRSA isolate was found to be high among Tobacco consumer for long period using rather than those who tobacco consuming for short period. The result revealed that the antimicrobial resistance of S. aureus for Methicillin was (20%). Conclusion: This study concluded that there is correlation between tobacco use and duration of use and increasing susceptibility to MRSA infection and cytological changes.Key words: Cytological patterns, Local Tobacco, MRSA, staphylococcus aureus, Oral cavity

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science Original Research Article ]

N.B: Our publication process is going on. More paper will be added very shortly in this current issue…

(i) To Publish your paper in our upcoming issue send your article directly at article.ijf@gmail.com