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APRIL 2020/ Vol.48.0/ Issue-I 

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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Original Research Article ]

SL.No. Detailed information of the published article
 1 Manuscript Title : Incidence of hepatitis B and C in voluntary blood donors in a private clinic in Angola from 2011 to 2016.
Author’s Name : 1,2Angelina Edna Quintas,* 3Adis Del Carmen Cogle,4Cláudia Camila Dias, 5Altamiro Costa-Pereira, 6António Carlos Sarmento, 7Lemuel Bornelli Cordeiro
Country from : ANGOLA
Date of Publication:  20-06-2020
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 48.0/Issue
-I/Chapter-I/Page – 01-07 [APRIL-2020 EDITION ]
Article Code : MDS-V48-I1-C1-APR-2020
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
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ABSTRACTObjective: Screening blood donors for sexually transmitted diseases is becoming increasingly important. Donors are referred to screening centres, thus ensuring the quality of blood transfusions and avoiding transmission of the hepatitis B and C viruses. This study aimed to identify the incidence of positive serological markers for hepatitis B and C among blood donors. click here
 A retrospective descriptive prevalence study was carried out using the data base of serological positive markers for hepatitis B and C, the surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus (HBsAg), the positive hepatitis B core antibody (HBcAc), the antibody to the hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV). A total of 2734 donors were followed from 2011 to 2016 at Clínica Girassol, Angola. Analysis was carried out using the statistical data analysis program SPSS® v.22.0. Results: Donors were aged between 18 and 64 years (median age of 32 ±9); 1373 (50.2%) donors tested positive for HBsAg, 731 (62.9%) for HBcAc and 140 (5.1%), were positive for anti-HCV. The majority, tested were men with 2467 (90%) and 267 (10%) were women. In conclusion, the study demonstrated the importance of screening to ensure donor blood safety and avoid transmission of infections by blood transfusion. KEYWORDS:  Donor Blood, Prevalence, Epidemiology.

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Original Research Article ]

SL.No. Detailed information of the published article
 2 Manuscript Title : Epidemic trend and Prevention Modalities of Corona 2019 Virus Disease (COVID-19) in Morocco.
Author’s Name : *1Maamri A., 2Ben El Mostafa S.  ,3Maamri M. D.
Country from : MOROCCO
Date of Publication:  20-06-2020
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 48.0/Issue-I/Chapter-II/Page – 08-15 [APRIL-2020 EDITION ]
Article Code : MDS-V48-I1-C2-APR-2020
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
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ABSTRACT The outbreak of COVID-19 was first reported in Morocco on 2 March in Casa Anfa (Casablanca-Settat region), and subsequently spread to the other 11 regions of the country. WHO declared COVID-19 as a public health emergency of international concern on 30 January 2020. Naturally, an increasing infectious disease involves a rapid spread, endangering the health of large numbers of people, and therefore requires immediate action to prevent the disease at Community level. click here
 This is why Morocco and as soon as the first positive was declared, it put in place a series of barrier measures to counteract the disease COVID-19. This article is made by our Health-Environment research team aims at predicting and predicting COVID19 cases, deaths and recoveries through predictive modeling. The model helps to interpret the evolution of the disease and to evaluate the influence of the spread of the virus in Morocco compared to other Arab countries and European neighbours. Morocco remains in a comfortable position to control the pandemic with a mortality rate up to 100 times lower than European countries. Although these estimates are preliminary and subject to change, they are consistent with previous findings on the transmissibility of SARS-Corona virus.KEYWORDS:  COVID-19; Morocco; Arab countries, European countries

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science Original Research Article ]

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 3 Manuscript Title : Development of musically exceptionally gifted disadvantaged youth.
Author’s Name : Tokai Dalma
Country from : HUNGARY
Date of Publication:  20-06-2020
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 48.0/Issue-I/Chapter-III/Page – 16-22 [APRIL-2020 EDITION ]
Article Code : EDU-V48-I1-C3-APR-2020
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  

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Abstract : Educating gifted students has received more and more attention by psychologists, teachers, parents and researchers. Exploring the complex nature of giftedness is essential to develop gifted education programs that help young students develop their skills and talents and abilities. Factors such as these are especially important with underprivileged children.  click here
 Nowadays many gifted education programs reach beyond developing special skills and students are thought individually, not only in their field of talent, but their mental health is addressed as well. Our research examined the self-esteem, life-satisfaction and general positivity in a group of very special, musically exceptional teenagers both disadvantaged and not disadvantaged. The data found supported that low socioeconomic status can be connected to many mental health factors. The study is intended to be longitudinal. KEYWORDS:  gifted student, disadvantaged, self-esteem, satisfactio with life     

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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Nuclear Physics Original Research Article ]

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 4 Manuscript Title : Inelastic longitudinal C2 Form Factors with Core- Polarization Effects for 46 Ti  and 50 Cr nuclei
Author’s Name : *1Rasha Bashar Rashid, 2Ghaith Naima Flaiyh
Country from : IRAQ
Date of Publication:  20-06-2020
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 48.0/Issue-I/Chapter-IV/Page – 23-29 [APRIL-2020 EDITION ]
Article Code : NPS-V48-I1-C4-APR-2020
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  

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Abstract : In this paper, inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form factors C2 transitions have been studied in and   nuclei with the aid of shell model calculations. The core polarization transition density was evaluated by adopting the shape of Tassie model together with the derived form of the ground state two-body charge density distributions (2BCDD’s). click here
The following transitions have been investigated;   of  and   of  nuclei. It is found that the core polarization effects, which represent the collective modes, are essential for reproducing a remarkable agreement between the calculated inelastic longitudinal C2 form factors and those of experimental data.KEYWORDS:  Inelastic longitudinal form factors, two-body charge density, collective modes.     

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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science Original Research Article ]

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 5 Manuscript Title : Body Dysmorphic Disorders Among Adults Attending Plastic Surgery Hospitals.
Author’s Name : 1Mushtaq Talib Hashim, 2Shalan Joodah Rhemah Al-Abbudi*,  3Fahim Alwan Bahlol
Country from : IRAQ
Date of Publication:  20-06-2020
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 48.0/Issue-I/Chapter-V/Page – 30-35 [APRIL-2020 EDITION ]
Article Code : NPS-V48-I1-C5-APR-2020
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  

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Abstract : Background: Body dysmorphic disorder is characterized by persistent preoccupations about defects or flaws in one’s appearance. The defects or flaws appear slight or are not observable to others.Objectives:Estimation of the prevalence and determinants of body dysmorphic disorder among patients attending plastic surgery hospitals.click here
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted in two plastic surgery hospitals in Baghdad governorate. Participants were interviewed and data filled using a questionnaire for sociodemographic variables, and body dysmorphic disorder questionnaire.

Results: A total of 100 plastic surgery hospital attendees were approached. Female (70%), male (30%), age was 28.26±8.48 years, 56% were single, 37% were married, 70% were unemployed and 30% were employed. The prevalence of body dysmorphic disorder was 60%. Significant statistical association of body dysmorphic disorder were; gender (P=0.026), marital status (P=0.001), occupation (P=0.008).

Conclusion: Body dysmorphic disorder was high prevalent among attendees to plastic surgery hospitals. Preoperative psychiatric assessment is mandatory.

KEYWORDS:  BDD; plastic surgery; prevalence; Baghdad.


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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Chemistry & Material Science Original Research Article ]

N.B: Our publication process is going on. More paper will be added very shortly in this current issue…

(i) To Publish your paper in our upcoming issue send your article directly at article.ijf@gmail.com