OCTOBER 2017/ Vol.18.0/ Issue-I
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science
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1 | TITLE NAME: Assessment of Nutritional Status and its associated risk factors among under five years old children in Angola area, the Khartoum State of Sudan 2015-2017 Author’s Name : Dr. MOHIELDIN Ali1 & DAWRIA Adam2 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : KSA DOP: 05-11-2017/ Chapter-I/Page – 01-05 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V18-I1-C1-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate, Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : This is cross-sectional community based study conducted in Angola area in Khartoum State of Sudan during period of 2015-2017. The aim of the study was to assess nutritional status of under five years old children and its associated risk factors using anthropometric measurements, interview of childcare givers, and observation on nutrition status indicators and socioeconomic profile of families. click here . 282 children and their caregivers were selected and investigated using cluster sampling techniques and predesigned questionnaires and checklist. The results revealed that 19.1 of the studied children were severely malnourished, and 4.7 were moderately malnourished with children in age of one to two years were mostly affective with P value of < 0.05. Family size and parent education level also were reported among the major risk factors of malnutrition with P value of < 0.05. 96.6% of the children had episode of diarrhea at least once, and 81.1% had respiratory tract infection at least once. Few were exposed to frequently to those infectious diseases. The study concluded that severe and moderate malnutrition affect almost quarter of the children in the area especially in the age group of one to two years. Poor education and awareness on how to maintain children health generally is the main risk factor especially knowledge and skills on the causes of malnutrition, proper young children food and feeding practices, breastfeeding, and utilization of available health services. The study recommended extensive health education program along with family support through provision of nutrients high density food. Keywords: Malnutrition, Risk Factors, Children, Angola, Khartoum.
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science
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2 | TITLE NAME : Prevalence of maternal mortality in Khartoum state Public Hospitals (2014-2015) Author’s Name : Dr. Fatima Elshiek,1 Dr. Ali Mohieldin2 & Prof. Abdel Ghaffar Ali Adam3 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : KSA DOP: 05-11-2017/ Chapter-II/Page – 06-10 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V18-I1-C2-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : This is a descriptive prospective cross sectional facility based study, conducted in Khartoum State of SUDAN Public Hospitals during the period of 2013-2015. The aims of the study were determine the prevalence of maternal death and it is associated risk factors. click here Information on 120 cases was collected from relatives deceased using adapted verbal autopsy questionnaire 2012, interviewing with the health visitors, and focus group discussion, then the data was analyzed using the SPSS software. The Results revealed that maternal mortality ratio was 108/100000 live birth, also it was noted that the hemorrhage sepsis, eclampsia, poor antenatal care services, poor nutritional status and poverty were the major risk factor associated with maternal mortality. The study recommended farther quantitative and qualitative research along with community and political sensitization to improve the accessibility and utilization of MCH services. Keywords: Maternal Mortality , Khartoum Hospitals.
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science
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3 | TITLE NAME : Prevalence of Schistosoma Haematobium among pupils_ El-tawella village Kosti-White Nile State- Sudan (2012) Author’s Name : Abdelrhman A.G ALTIJANI1, Ali MOHIELDIN2, Ahmed ELBASHIR3, Samira ABDELRAHMAN4 and Bakri NOUR5 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : SUDAN DOP: 05-11-2017/ Chapter-III/Page – 11-14 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V18-I1-C3-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf)——————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : This is a cross-sectional community-based study conducted in El-tawella rural area of White Nile State in Sudan during the period of June – September 2012. The aims of the study were to determine the prevalence of Schistosoma haematobium among School age children (aged 5-14 years) and to identify the most affected age group. click here 182 children were selected randomly in two basic schools and investigated for the presence of the parasites and interviewed for frequency and possibility of their contact with contaminated water sources. The prevalence of the diseases among pupils was found 13.2% with statistical significant association with contaminated water contact. The study concluded that the cases of Schistosoma haematobium among School age children in the area are associated with children contact with contaminated water and recommended extensive school health education program, management of positive cases, and in collaboration with local authority to put in place restrictions for children to access those contaminated water sources.Keywords: Schistosoma haematobium, school children, White Nile State, Sudan. |
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science
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4 | TITLE NAME : Early Initiation of Breastfeeding Practices in Riyadh Region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, KSA. Author’s Name : Osama Awad Salih1 and Adam Elhag Ahmed2 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : KSA DOP: 05-11-2017/ Chapter-IV/Page – 15-24 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V18-I1-C4-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : Background: It is widely recognized that child feeding practices in the first two years of life directly affect the nutritional status of the children and, ultimately, impact child lifelong health. Therefore, breastfeeding is regarded as the ideal method of infant feeding that provides maximum benefits to both the infant and the mother. The assessment of breastfeeding practices and determinants are essential to make national and sub-national comparisons, to describe trends over time, identify populations at risk, target interventions, and make appropriate policy decisions for sustainable breastfeeding promotion programs. The aim of this paper is to examine the current practices on breastfeeding in Riyadh Region, of Saudi Arabia, and determine the likely factors that affect breastfeeding practices in this country. click here Methods: A comprehensive, in-depth, health facility-based survey of mothers with infants less than 24 months of age was conducted to assess the patterns and determinants of breastfeeding. A convenient sample of 500 Saudi mothers was interviewed to recall their breastfeeding practices and attitude. The interviews included a detailed questionnaire based on the WHO (2010) infant and young child feeding assessment adapted for the case of the Saudi Arabia. Moreover, the study used the standard WHO criteria for assessing breastfeeding indicators of the targeted population. Results: The study population comprised of 54% male and 46% female children. Exclusive breastfeeding rate for up to six months was very low (2.9%). Although breastfeeding rate in general was over 90% yet, early initiation of breastfeeding was found 38% among the respondents (29% of mothers initiated breastfeeding within the first 24 hours and 23% initiated breastfeeding after the first 24 hours). Reasons reported for delayed response to early initiation of breast feeding (for the first hour) include caesarian operation, late discharge of the child from incubator, mother sickness, child sickness and to a lesser extend lack of knowledge about breastfeeding and cultural. factors (traditions). Breastfeeding initiation showed increasing trend with high mother education; mothers being not working; vaginal delivery; female child; and among infants with previous child aged 3 to 5 years. The proportion of children born in the last 24 months who were ever breastfed was found among 62% of infants while, never breastfeed children represented about 9.6% of the total sample and the reasons reported by the respondent mothers were child sickness, child refusal, no enough milk, mother sickness and body image. Conclusions : In conclusion, infant and young child feeding practices in this study were suboptimal. There is a need for ensuring that not only is appropriate national policies and legislation in place but that these are implemented and enforced. National community-based breastfeeding intervention programmes are urgently needed for the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding. More in-depth research is required to feed into the design of strategies for effective social and behavior change communication. Keywords : Breastfeeding, Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, Duration, Ever Breastfeeding, Infant feeding, Saudi Arabia.
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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science
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5 | TITLE NAME : Effect of Intermittent Photic Stimulation (IPS) on Electroencephalogram (EEG) of females with Premenstrual dysphoric disorders (PMDD) Author’s Name : Binu Shrestha1*, Bishnu Hari Paudel 2, Nirmala Limbu 3 & Kopila Agrawal 4. Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : NEPAL DOP: 05-11-2017/ Chapter-V/Page – 25-29 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V18-I1-C5-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : Around seventy-five percent of women with regular menstrual cycles report unpleasant physical or psychological symptoms just before the beginning of a monthly menstrual cycle. For the majority of women, these symptoms are mild and tolerable. However, for a certain group of women, these symptoms can be disabling and may cause significant disruption in their lives and are often the reason for seeking medical treatment. Those symptoms are called as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), with the modern concept the severe form of PMS is named as premenstrual dysphoric disorders (PMDD). click here In order to assess an effect of intermittent photic stimulation on electroencephalogram (EEG) of females with PMDD, the current study was conducted on thirty females confirmed having PMDD based on research criteria (DSM-IV). Thirty female with symptomatic PMDD were selected, based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. They were screened with questionnaire and research criteria (DSM-IV). After taking written consent, all the participants were explained about the procedure and anthropometric, cardiorespiratory variables were recorded followed by EEG recordings with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Hz frequencies of intermittent photic stimulation were done. The first phase of EEG recordings was done before menses or during the peak of symptoms reported by them and were repeated immediately after menses. EEG recordings were dissected out into its constituent frequency bands by Fast Fourier Transformation. The data of EEG power spectra were non-normally distributed and hence subjected to log transformation and statistical analysis was done. The EEG power spectra were expressed as the mean ± standard deviation. Paired sample t-test was used for comparison of anthropometric variables, cardio-respiratory variables, and EEG power spectra between the premenstrual and postmenstrual recordings. The EEG power spectra of before the beginning of menstruation or during the peak of symptoms were compared with an EEG power spectra of immediately after the menses is over. There was significant (p<0.05) increase in beta activity at frontotempoparietal (F3, C3, T3 and P3) area of left hemisphere when premenstrual EEG recordings were compared with postmenstrual EEG among PMDD. Therefore the study concluded that the increased in beta activity at left hemisphere under intermittent photic stimulus among females with PMDD is indicative of the presence of anxiety, stress, insomnia, and obsessive or negative thinking. Keywords: Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Intermittent photic stimulation (IPS)
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science
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6 | TITLE NAME : Depression in Hemodialysis Patients at Al-Diwaniya Province Author’s Name : Abdul Zahra Mohammad AL Khafaji1,Aqeel Raheem Hassan2 & Rasha Abbas Fadhil 3 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : IRAQ DOP: 07-11-2017/ Chapter-VI/Page – 30-35 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V17-I1-C6-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : Background: End Stage Renal Disease affects patients’ physical and psychological health. Depression has been identified as the most common psychiatric illness among patients with hemodialysis; it negatively affects the quality of life in hemodialysis patients and their treatment response. click here Aims of the study: To estimate the prevalence of depression and measuring the severity of depression in hemodialysis patient at Al- Diwaniya Province and to determine the rate of depression in hemodialysis patients with some socio-demographic variables. Methods: A sample of 86 patients with End Stage Renal Disease compared with equal number from the general population as control group were enrolled in a case-control study at hemodialysis unit of Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital. Depression was diagnosed by using a semi-structured interview schedule based on ICD-10 diagnostic criteria. The severity of depression was rated by using Beck Depression Inventory. Results: The results showed that the prevalence of depression among hemodialysis patients was (62.8%) in comparison with (19.8%) among the control group which was statistically significant. Depression is more in married, unemployed, those with primary school achievement, living in the urban area which is statistically significant. Conclusion: This study revealed that depression is more common in hem dialysis patients than in normal individuals which demand the screening for such condition.Keywords: Hemodialysis, Depression.
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science
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7 | TITLE NAME : Changes in the Hematological parameters of cigarette smokers and non-smokers in Eagle Island, Mgbodanya Obio/Akpor, Rivers State, Nigeria. Author’s Name : Mbata C. A 1 & Adewoye M. O. 2 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : NIGERIA DOP: 10-11-2017/ Chapter-VII/Page – 36-38 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V18-I1-C7-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : The effects of Cigarette smoking on human health was carried out using a total of 80 subjects sample among whom are 40 smokers and 40 non-smokers. Full Blood Count (FBC), Platelet count and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) tests were carried out in the laboratory. The subjects were consuming a total of 11-15 cigarettes daily for at least 5-8 days. click here The result revealed that smokers had a high level of white blood cell count of 5.63 ± 1.27g/l and non-smokers had count of 4.97 ± 0.59. The red blood cell count of smokers were 4.92±037/l and non-smokers 4.32±0.37. The Heamoglobin concentration of smokers were 15.43±144g/dl and 14.08±1.11g/dl for non-smokers. For packed cell volume the smokers had a level of 4.72±3.81% and non-smokers 36.90±3.73. The Platelet count for smokers were 242.33 ± 59g/l and 175.33 ± 34.47 for non-smokers. The Lymphocyte count for smokers and non-smokers were 51.33±89% and 31.45±7.62 respectively. Means cell volume for smokers and non-smokers were 92.64±3.44 and 90±3.41, respectively. The ESR level for smokers were 16.51±3.96 and 8±2.90 for non-smokers. The means cell heamoglobin concentration level of smokers were 32.37±1.66 and 30.97±1.08 for non-smokers. Smokers level of MCH was 29.65±1.78 and 29.46±1.60 for non-smokers. Monocyte level for smokers was 9.92±1.77 and 2.59±1.33 for non-smokers. Basophil level for smokers was 0.21±0.41 and 0.36±0.46 for non-smokers. Eosinophil for smokers was 2.64 ± 1.23 and 0.90 ± 0.91 for non-smokers. Neutrophil level for smokers were 39.82±7.63 and 47.18±6.81 for non-smokers. The result showed that cigarette smoking had a significant effect on hematological parameters and this might be associated with a greater risk of developing atherosclerosis, polycythaemia vera, chronic obstruction, pulmonary disease, Cardiovascular diseases and as such should be discouraged.Key words: Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, Polycythaemia, Cigarette concentration.
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science
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8 | TITLE NAME : Studies on the Microbial burden of Palm wine sold and consumed in Emohua local government area, Rivers State, Nigeria. Author’s Name : Mbata C. A Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : NIGERIA DOP: 10-11-2017/ Chapter-VIII/Page – 39-42 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V18-I1-C8-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract: The study was conducted to analyze and identify the microbes in Palm wine as a pre-requisite to attempts at increasing the shelf life of Palm wine. click here The Palm wine was collected from three (3) different Locations in Emohua Local Government Area namely; Rumuji, Ovogo and Ibaa, which are the areas in which Palm wine is produced and consumed most. An aliquot (0.1ml) of diluted Palmwine from the 3 locations were inoculated on surface dried Nutrient agar, Mcconkey agar and Sabouraud agar plates incubated at room temperature and 370C under aerobic and anaerobic conditions yielding bacteria and fungi isolates. Physical and biochemical properties were used to identify the isolates. The organism isolated were Saccharomyces cerevisae, Bacillus subtilis, Corynebacterium specie, Lactobacillus delhrueckii and Micrococcus varians. The organisms were present in all the Palm wine studied regardless of the sources and dates of collection. In Rumuji, a total of 143.32 x 10-6 colony forming units/ml (cfu/ml) were counted, Ovogo had 56.12 x 10-6 Cfu/ml and Ibaa 59.29 x 10-6 Cfu/ml were identified given an overall microbial burden of 258.73 x 10-6 Cfu/ml. There was no significant growth in bacterial count and decrease in yeast count with increasing distance from the location of the study. There was a steady decrease in the viable count of Microbes with age of the Palm wine (P > 0.05). The study hereby suggests the need to study the possibility of aseptic tapping and the blocking of the glycolytic pathway as a means of prolonging the Shelf life of Palm wine.Keywords: Microbes, Palm wine, Glycolytic, Saccharonyces, Probiotic, Pathogenic.
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Education
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9 | TITLE NAME : “A study on teacher’s Mathematics Pedagogical Content knowledge and its effect on students’ attitude towards Mathematics and their scholastic achievement in Mathematics of secondary level students of kolkata” Author’s Name : Shyamal Kumar Das Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : INDIA DOP: 10-11-2017/ Chapter-IX/Page – 43-46 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : EDU-V18-I1-C9-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract: Traditionally mathematics classes are grave and solemn and often appear intimidating students and make them reticent about using it. The most important factor impinges students’ attitude towards and scholastic achievement in mathematics is teacher’s Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge (MPCK) may confidently eradicate students’ anxiety (SA) towards mathematics. click here Mathematics teachers got the soul authority to change the situation in a desirable direction that may confidently eradicate students’ anxiety (SA) towards mathematics. The study is fashioned to create a scalable intervention to measure the relationship between teachers’ MPCK and students’ attitude towards and scholastic achievement in mathematics. To address this issue students of Kolkata (WB) constitute the population. A sample of 200 students was selected from tenth slandered. A25-items self-developed questionnaire (r = 0.78349) was used to measure the students’ attitude towards mathematics (15-items) and 10 mathematics questions from common syllabus of both the states. The obtained data were analysed and interpreted by using descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, and Scheff’s Post-hoc test. The result reveals there is significant relationship among and between all the independent variables of attitude towards mathematics except in one case and there is no significant difference and influence of intersection among and between attitude towards mathematics and scholastic achievement in mathematics of secondary level students of Kolkata.Key Words: MPCK, Attitude towards mathematics, Scholastic achievement in mathematics, Mathematics anxiety.
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Education
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10 | TITLE NAME :“A study on the relationship between students’ perception towards their teacher’s mathematics pedagogical content knowledge and anxiety towards Mathematics” Author’s Name : Shyamal Kumar Das Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : INDIA DOP: 10-11-2017/ Chapter-X/Page – 47-51 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : EDU-V18-I1-C10-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract: Teaching is a multidimensional process encompasses with a myriad of separable dimensions or instructor/constructor attributes to contribute but many a time difficult to quantify. From psychological perspective there is a general myth that mathematics is an enigmatic subject. click here The most important factor impinges students learning mathematics is teacher’s Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge (MPCK) that may confidently eradicate students’ anxiety (SA) towards mathematics. These two variables are intrinsically interrelated but distinct entities. Some prime factors like teachers mathematics content knowledge, generic pedagogical and psychological knowledge, and teachers’ personal experiences which may garner students learning in mathematics and to trivialise the level of anxiety. This study is fashioned to create a scalable intervention about the indispensable role of teachers endowed with MPCK and SA in mathematics. To address this issue students of Kolkata (India) constitute the population of this study. A sample of 200 secondary level students was selected. A-36 items self-developed questionnaire (r=0.8935) was used to measure students’ perception about their teachers MPCK. A-12 items questionnaire of Fennema-Sherman was taken to measure students’ anxiety towards mathematics. The obtained data were analysed and interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).The result shows there is significant relationship between teachers MPCK and anxiety towards mathematics.Key words: Pedagogy, Generic Pedagogical knowledge, Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Mathematics Anxiety.
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Language
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11 | TITLE NAME : “UKRAINE’S IMAGE VERBALISATION IN MODERN ENGLISH MASS MEDIA DISCOURSE” Author’s Name : Olena Yemelyanova 1 & Svitlana Baranova 2 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : UKRAINE DOP: 10-11-2017/ Chapter-XI/Page – 52-57 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : LNG-V18-I1-C11-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract: The research is focused on the analysis of Ukraine’s image verbalisation in modern English mass media discourse. Findings show that lexical-semantic and syntactical means play the leading role in Ukraine’s image foregrounding in the world. click here Data testify for the fact that modern English mass media discourse abounds in lexis of negative connotation, the majority of verbs and nouns used to give an account of what is happening in Ukraine are related to conflict, corruption, politics; the only domain where Ukraine has an established and recognised positive image is culture. The researched material demonstrates high frequency use of the adverb hardly that belongs to intensifiers and has a negative meaning. Such adverbs as violently, suddenly, irredeemably add emphasis to the statement and explicitly reinforce negative evaluation. In the aspect of word formation we observe a large amount of verbs and derivatives with prefixes dis-, mis-, over-, un-, under- which all have negative meaning. Such tropes as epithets where we differentiate descriptive-evaluative epithets and occasionally-associated epithets, among the latter group we point out metaphoric, metonymic, hyperbolic epithets; metaphors (physiological, fitomorphic, morbial, military, sport, criminal, theatrical), metonymy, simile, and syntactical figures of speech such as reiteration and syntactical parallelism are in active use in modern English mass media discourse to intensify emotional response on addressee’s part and to form Ukraine’s image. Keywords: modern English mass media discourse, Ukraine’s image verbalization, figure of speech, epithet, metaphor, metonymy, addressee.
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Economy
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12 | TITLE NAME : “ A comparative analysis of the relationship of nature of poverty with Zakat collection and real gross domestic product : An empirical study in the context of Indonesia” Author’s Name : S. Nisthar & A.A.M.Nufile Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : SRI-LANKA DOP: 15-11-2017/ Chapter-XII/Page – 58-67 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : ECO-V18-I1-C12-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the comparative contribution of the collection of Zakat (Islamic social integrated finance) and Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) to the nature of poverty in Indonesia quantitative methodology. The time series data used in this study were collected from BAZNAS 2017 and web site – country. economy. click here The tools in the method used were correlation, regression, causality, Johansen co-integration, normality, autocorrelation LM, and hetereoskedasticy / homoskedasticity. The data were analyzed using the statistical software – Eviews 6.0. The two regression models were constructed to achieve the objective of this study such as model 01 and model 02. In the model one, HCI (Head Count Index: the nature of poverty in Indonesia) was the dependent variable and the collection of Zakat was the independent variable. In the model 02, HCI (Head Count Index: the nature of poverty in Indonesia) was independent variable. There was a significant relationship between HCI and the collection of Zaka in Indonesia. There was an inverse relationship between HCI and the collection of Zakat. One percent of increase in the collection of Zakat decreases in HCI (alleviation in the nature of poverty) by 5.5units in Indonesia whereas there were 2.8 units of decrease in the nature of poverty (HCI) due to the increase in RGDP without significant relationship between both the variables. The policy makers and the government of Indonesia could be made aware of using the findings of this study so as to adopt the appropriate strategic macroeconomic management.Keywords: Head Count Index, Poverty, Read Gross Domestic Product, Zakat, Indonesia.
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Economy
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13 | TITLE NAME : “ The relationship among Export, Import and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka: Co-integration analysis.” Author’s Name : V.Vaiharathan1, A.A.M.Nufile2 & S.Nisthar3 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : SRI-LANKA DOP: 15-11-2017/ Chapter-XIII/Page – 68-71 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : ECO-V18-I1-C13-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract: This study aimed to find out the co-integration vectors or the long run relationship among the variables of export, import and Economic growth (GDP) on Sri Lankan context. The annual time series data used in this study were collected from the Annual Report of Central Bank of Sri Lanka during the period from 1950 to 2015. click here The variables used in this study were Exports, Imports and Economic Growth (GDP) to achieve the objective of this study. The dependent variable in this study was Economic Growth (GDP) and the independent variables used in this study were Exports and Imports. The methodology used in this study was quantitative using the secondary data source. The data used in this study were analyzed by using the statistical software E-Views 7 to find out the long run relationship between the variables through the co-integration analysis. Johansen and Juselius methods were used to find the co-integration relationship. Typically this was found that within the period of 1980 to 2015, in Sri Lankan macroeconomic environment, the gross domestic product, export and import had been encompassed with a long run equilibrium relationship.Keywords: Co-integration, Economic Growth, Import, Export, Time Series.
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Animal Science
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14 | TITLE NAME : “ Husbandry Practices and Egg production Performances of Exotic Chicken Breeds in Assosa Town, Beneshangul Gumuze Region, Ethiopia” Author’s Name : Mekonnen N. ; Begna F. & Abraha S. Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : ETHIOPIA DOP: 15-11-2017/ Chapter-XIV/Page – 72-80 [ OCTOBER ISSUE ] Article Code : AS-V18-I1-C14-OCT2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract: The study was undertaken during April up to June 2016 in Assosa town of Benishangul Gumuze regional state, Ethiopia. The aim of the study was to explore husbandry practices and egg production performance of exotic chicken in the study area. click here A cross-sectional systematic random survey of 34 households was undertaken by using semi-structured and pre tested questionnaire. Information on management practices (breeding, feeds, feeding, watering, housing, sanitation, disease and parasite control etc.), production systems, egg production performances (egg size, , age at first lay, number of eggs laid etc) and constraints of exotic chicken kept in Assosa town was generated by semi-structured questionnaire. The primary data collected from household survey was processed and analyzed by using statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 20.0 software. Descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, ranking, standard deviation, and cross tabulation were used to analyze the data quantitatively. Data gathered through key informant interview, focus group discussion and personal observation were analyzed qualitatively to strengthen data obtained from household survey. Methods of triangulation were used to measure the validity of the data. It was found that large numbers (10.26±8.83) of exotic chicken were kept by the respondents in the study area. Due to its small space and lower initial capital requirement sample household’s ranked chicken as the first important animals kept in the study area. The main purposes of keeping exotic chicken in the study area were for generation of income/sale which was followed by consumption. The most important feed resources of exotic chicken kept in the study area were feed obtained from scavenging, house hold wastes, market left over, and industrial by products and grain supplement. Majority of the households accommodated their exotic chicken in separate house constructed for confinement of the chicken. The higher mortality rate of exotic chicken in the study area was caused by disease, predator and injuries. The most commonly happening and economically important disease in the study area was Newcastle. The commonly observed predators in the study area were cat, dog and snake. Egg production performance of exotic chicken in the study area in general was a bit better than local chicken but not at its satisfactory level. Health and feed problems respectively were the first and the second constraint of exotic chicken production in the study area. Therefore area based development interventions could help to increase productivity of exotic chicken and thereby enhance the livelihood of small holders.Keywords: Assosa, town, breed, management, exotic, chicken.
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