JULY 2017/ Vol.15.0/ Issue-I
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Business Management
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1 | TITLE NAME: CONSUMER BOYCOTT & THE ROLE OF GLOBAL MARKETING MIX Author’s Name : Mr Rajnish Shankhdhar1 & Dr Pragyan Dangwal2 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : INDIA DOP- 05-08-2017/ Chapter-I/Page – 01-04 [ JULY ISSUE ] Article Code : BM-V15-I1-C1-JULY2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate, Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : The requirement of a global marketing mix is highly imperative to understand the global consumers participation in a boycott act and experience a relationship often perceived by the manufacturers and the consumers as a thin line of a delicate marketing relationship at a global market place. click here Any initiation by consumers leading to a product boycott may be an outcome of a faulty issue perceived out of the four Ps by Consumers, highly detrimental to the brand image and producers business. Whatever the cause of consumer boycott may be is directly related to a single or a multiple set of 4 Ps of marketing factors involved. The release of an erroneous product or a faulty promotion may be the cause of a consumer protest but hazardous logistics and pricing mal practices can also lead to a consumer commotion and vociferous agitation paralyzing sales and market profitability of the targeted company worldwide. This paper focuses on the intricate issues involve in the formulation of four Ps in the market with relation to tentative reasons leading to a consumer boycott act , how the marketing mix of four Ps become so important in a consumer boycott act shall be examined and how the dos and don’t of 4 Ps must be considered by companies to mitigate consume unrest and boycott globally to minimize market chaos.Keywords: Boycott, consolidation,Four Ps.
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science
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2 | TITLE NAME: EVALUATION OF MANNOSE BINDING LECTIN LEVEL AND THYROID FUNCTIONS IN PATIENTS WITH HYPERTHYROIDISM DISEASE Author’s Name : Elmutuz H. Elssaig1, Hani K. Fahmi2, Elhashimi E. Hassan3, Tarig. M. Alnour4 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : SAUDI ARABIA DOP- 05-08-2017/ Chapter-II/Page – 05-08 [ JULY ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V15-I1-C2-JULY2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Introduction : Objective: The study aimed to evaluate thyroid function and mannose binding lectin level in Sudanese patients with hyperthyroidisms disease in comparison with apparently healthy controls. click here Methods: This is an analytical, hospital based- case control study conducted on 50 Sudanese patients with hyperthyroidism and 100 apparently healthy control groups between the periods from January 2016 to December 2016. Results: The study showed a highly significant difference (P=0.009) between the means and SD of serum levels of MBL (ng/ml) of the test hyperthyroidism group and the control group (1119.4±137.9 ng/ml) versus (1046.6±133.2 ng/ml), respectively. Conclusion: There was increased level of serum mannose binding lectin in Hyperthyroidism patients. There was a significant negative correlation between the serum levels of TSH and the serum MBL level in hyperthyroidism patients.. Readability of copy is of paramount importance.Keywords: Hyperthyroidism disease, Mannose Binding Lectin (MBL), Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science
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3 | TITLE NAME : STATURE ESTIMATION FROM INTER-ACRIMIAL LENGTH IN WESTERN U.P. REGION Author’s Name : Nidhi Sharma1, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Jain2, Mohd. Zaid3 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : INDIA DOP- 05-08-2017/ Chapter-III/Page – 09-12 [ JULY ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V15-I1-C3-JULY2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : Background and Objectives: The field of Science known as an Anthropology deals with the study of humans from their earliest beginners on earth up to the present time. Inter-acromial length is the distance between two bony landmarks, i.e;- acromial process of scapula on each side. [1] click here In this study, an effort has been done to establish the relationship between statures of different persons in Western Uttar Pradesh region of India and their inter-acromial lengths and to develop regression equation formulae from these two variables by simple regression analysis and so many Ethical issues involved in the study are minimal and there is no anymore invasive methods are to be used. Methods : This study been carried out over a period of one year from 2014 to march 2015. During this period , 400 subjects i;e- 200 males and 200 females ,born and brought up in Western U.P. region ,aged 20 years and above upto 25 years old persons, have been chosen for the reason that by this age, there is completion of skeletal growth by ossification of long bones. After statistical analysis of the results, three regression equation formulae were obtained from the relationship between statures and inter-acromial lengths of females, males and males & females combined. The study sample comprised of randomly selected four hundred (400) students of Teerthankar Mahaveer University. The participants are explained about the purpose and procedure of the study and informed consent was obtained. The data for the present study are stature and inter-acromial length. Result: We have used computer based programs for our calculated a linear equation of the form equation;- (“Y = a + b(X)”). The linear regression equation derived from Inter-acromial distance for estimating height showed statically non-significant relationship [P < 0.005] in both genders. The formulae have been obtained by using the statistical equations in both males and females separately;- The Regression formulae is;- {Y = a + b(x)} Where;- Y= Value of stature ( cm ), X=Variable mean
( cm ), a = Intercept, b= Regression coefficient. Discussion and Conclusion: The level of marginal significance within a statistical hypothesis test, representing the probability of the occurrence of a given event. In this study the p- value is 0.178 in females and 1.408 in males, in case of females the p- value indicates that the result is statically significant approximately but not accurate. here 0.178 is nearly to the value of 0.05,which indicates nearly significant result in this study. In the case of males the p- value is more than 0.05,it is 1.408 in males , this indicates that the correlation is much more lesser than threshold value ,so that it indicates that the result is statically insignificant in case of male’s p-value. The estimation of height by organizing regression equations for males and females separately, with the help of obtained all the quantitative statistical data. There exists a significant correlation of height with the inter-acromial length of an individual in both the sexes, these significant correlations organized into the form of regression equations for both sexes separately and that stature can be estimated with the inter-acromial length when mutilated upper parts of the trunks are available or when bony parts of any individual is present. regression equation formulae “ y= 95.93 + (-0.377)146”or “y= 38.29”,with standard error ± 3.50 in males and “y= 6.41 +( 0.90)169” or “y= 38.52”,with standard error ± 22.08 in females can be useful in estimating stature of the population of Western U.P. region. Keywords: Forensic Anthropology, Identity, Inter-Acromial Length, Stature, Regression Equation. |
CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science
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4 | TITLE NAME :ASSESSMENT OF TOTAL ANTIOXIDANT STATUS, MALONALDEHYDE AND SERUM LIPID PROFILE IN CIGARETTE SMOKERS IN NNEWI METROPOLIS Author’s Name : Analike R.A1, Udekwe I.L2, *Ogbodo E.C3, Ezeugwunne I.P4, Ezeani MC5, Ugwu EC6, Njoku M.C7, Amah U.K8, Okwara E.C9, Meludu S.C10. Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : NIGERIA DOP- 05-08-2017/ Chapter-IV/Page – 13-18 [ JULY ISSUE ] Article Code : MDS-V15-I1-C4-JULY2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of diseases in both developed and underdeveloped countries. This study Assessed the Total Antioxidant Status, Malonaldehyde and Serum Lipid Profile In Cigarette Smokers In Nnewi Metropolis, Anambra State, Nigeria. A total of 100 male subjects (50 smokers and 50 non smokers) were be recruited for this study. click here Samples collected from the subjects were used for the estimation of total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C), malondialdehyde (MDA) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC). All the parameters were analyzed using standard laboratory methods. The results of the smokers showed a significantly higher value in the levels of VLDL-C, (0.56 ± 0.29mmol/l; p=0.00), LDL-C (2.75 ± 0.88mmol/l; p=0.00), TG (1.23 ± 0.64mmol/l; p=0.00) and TC (4.53 ± 0.90mmol/l; p=0.08) when compared with non smokers. However, significantly lower values was observed in the level of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) in cigarette smokers (p=0.08) and correlates directly with intensity and duration of smoking. Again, the mean serum MDA was significantly lower in non smokers (p ˂0.05) although TAC was not significantly lower (p.0.05). The findings in this study showed that cigarette smoking is significantly higher in the level of lipid profile, malondialdehyde, and significantly lowers the total antioxidant status and HDL-C. This may increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Key Words: Total Antioxidant Status, Malonaldehyde Serum Lipid Profile, Cigarette Smokers
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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Electrical Engineering
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5 | TITLE NAME : AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM USING SOLAR ENERGY Author’s Name : Gauri Tope1 & Prof. A.S. Patel2 Article Type : ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Country from : INDIA DOP- 05-08-2017/ Chapter-V/ Page – 19-24 [JULY ISSUE ] Article Code: EE-V15-I1-C5-JULY2017 [ ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ] Status : Officially published / Download: E-Certificate , Full Article (pdf) —————————————————————————————————————————– Abstract : The smart irrigation system is developed to optimize water use for agricultural crops. The system has a distributed wireless network of soil-moisture and temperature sensors placed in the root zone of the plants. In addition, a GSM module is provided which sends the values of parameters through message. click here An algorithm is developed with values of temperature and soil moisture that is programmed into microcontroller-based gateway to control water quantity. The system is powered by solar panels and has a duplex communication link based on a cellular-Internet interface that allowed for data inspection and irrigation scheduling to be programmed through a web page.Key Words: Cellular networks Internet, Irrigation, measurement, water resources, wireless sensor networks (WSNs), GSM, Microcontroller, zigbee.
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