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OCTOBER 2022/ Vol.78.0/ Issue-I 

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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Original Research Article ]

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 1 Manuscript Title : Correlation Between Duration of Hemodialysis and Quality of Life of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis in Dr. Doris Sylvanus Regional Public Hospital Palangka Raya.
Author’s Name : Trilianty Lestarisa, Sulthan Rafi Lukmanul Hakim2, Syamsul Arifin3, Austin Bertilova Carmelita,Astri Widiarti5
Article Type : Original Research Article
Country from : INDONESIA
Date of Publication:  31-01-2023
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 78.0/Issue
-I/Chapter-I/Page – 01-06 [OCTOBER-2022 EDITION ]
Article Code : MDS-V78-I1-C1-OCT-2022
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
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Doi No : 10.5281/zenodo.7590203


ABSTRACT: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of the global health issues. In 2017, there were 697,5 million people diagnosed with CKD globally. In 2020, kidney diseases account for the greatest number of outpatients with 13.350 cases at dr. Doris Sylvanus Hospital Regional Public Hospital  click here

 In End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), the kidneys are not working properly. Therefore, dialysis or transplantation is needed to maintain life. Dialysis is a form of renal replacement therapy and one of the forms of dialysis is hemodialysis. Hemodialysis requires a long treatment time and routine schedule which can make patients experience difficulties confronting the disease, ultimately affecting their quality of life. This study aims to prove the correlation between the duration of hemodialysis and the quality of life at dr. Doris Sylvanus Regional Public Hospital. This is an analytic observational study using a cross-sectional design. The total sample of this study is 100 using purposive sampling. The statistical test used in this study is Spearman’s Correlation. There is a significant and positive correlation between the duration of hemodialysis and the quality of life of CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis in dr. Doris Sylvanus Regional Public Hospital with <0,05 p-value and low correlation (r = 0,258). There is a low correlation between the duration of hemodialysis and quality of life.

Keywords- Duration of Hemodialysis, Chronic Kidney Disease, Quality of Life


CATEGORY : Research Topic on Chemical Engineering [ Original Research Article ]

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 2 Manuscript Title : Influence of particle size on the batch flotation of Concentrator Tailings with a view to their industrial recovery.
Article Type : Original Research Article
Country from : CONGO
Date of Publication:  31-01-2023
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 78.0/Issue
-I/Chapter-I/Page – 07-15 [OCTOBER-2022 EDITION ]
Article Code : CHME-V78-I1-C2-OCT-2022
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
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Doi No : 10.5281/zenodo.7590252


ABSTRACTRetreatment of wastes is of both economic and environmental interest. The valorization of the wastes of the Southern Katanga Mining Company (CMSK) has a definite advantage on the operating cost, the cost of extraction and the cost of grinding which are significantly reduced.

To assess the influence of regrinding in the reprocessing by flotation of CMSK plant wastes, flotation tests were carried out on fractions. The fraction smaller than 75 µm constitutes the original sample (flotation 1), the original sample ground for 10 minutes (flotation 2), the fraction above 75 µm of the original sample (flotation 3) and the fraction below 45 µm of the original sample (flotation 4). click here

From the obtained results after flotation in similar conditions, it appeared that the particle size has a real influence on the metallurgical performance; Flotation gives the best recovery yields (70.35% for Cu and 77.88$ for Co), followed by flotation 4 (58.98% for Cu and 64.78% for Co), then flotation 3 (57.94% for Cu and 64.14% for Co), and finally flotation 2 (45.51% for Cu and 55.84 % for Co).

It should therefore be recommended to grind the fraction greater than 75 µm in the hope of improving the recovery yield from the flotation of this fraction. For the fraction smaller than 45 µm, given the risk of generating fine particles (˂ 10 µm) when regrinding the wastes, this fraction should be processed without regrinding.

Keywords- Concentrator tailings, Batch flotation, South Katanga Mining Company.


CATEGORY : Research Topic on Disaster Management [ Original Research Article ]

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 3 Manuscript Title : Analysis and mapping of community capacity in flood disaster risk reduction in Banjar district.
Author’s Name : Anggun Wulandari,Nur Laily,Fauzie Rahman3,Lia Anggraini& Agus M. Ridwan5
Article Type : Original Research Article
Country from : INDONESIA
Date of Publication:  12-12-2022
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 77.0/Issue
-I/Chapter-I/Page – 01-05 [SEPTEMBER-2022 EDITION ]
Article Code : DM-V77-I1-C1-SEP-2022
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
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Doi No : 10.5281/zenodo.7426243


ABSTRACTFloods are the most common natural disasters that hit Indonesia. Flood can threaten and disrupt the lives and livelihoods of community groups. Disaster losses can be reduced if the community has the capacity to manage the threats that occur. This study aims to analyze and map the community’s capacity to reduce flood risk. The method used in this study is a survey method with quantitative descriptive data processing.  click here

 The population in this study is the community in the East Martapura District, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province. Based on BPNP 2021 data, the number of people affected by the 2021 flood disaster is 275,906 people. Samples were taken using the Lemeshow formula as many as 100 respondents spread over 20 villages using simple random sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The results showed that the level of community mitigation capacity in East Martapura District was mostly at the high level of mitigation capacity, which was 70.5% of the community, most of the preparedness capacity was at the moderate level, which was 73.75% of the community, and the survival capacity was mostly entered at a low level of 73% of the community. Based on the overall capacity assessment, the level of community capacity is mostly at the moderate capacity level, which is 38.08%, while those included in the low capacity level are 31.75%. Only 28.08% of the people are included in the capacity level level. In conclusion, the capacity of the community as a whole is mostly at a moderate level.

KEYWORDS: mapping, capacity, risk, disaster, flood


CATEGORY : Research Topic on Physical Science & Space Research [ Original Research Article ]

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 4 Manuscript Title : On the mechanism of gravitation processes.
Author’s Name : Grigory Andreevich Korablev
Article Type : Original Research Article
Date of Publication:  15-12-2022
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 77.0/Issue-I/Chapter-I/Page – 06-10 [SEPTEMBER-2022 EDITION ]

Article Code : PSSR-V77-I1-C2-SEP-2022
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
Download PDF : Full article (Pdf)
Doi No : 10.5281/zenodo.7440151


ABSTRACTThe mechanism of gravitation processes is analyzed using the condition of stationary state in corpuscular-wave interactions and in the frameworks of non-relativist mechanics.  click here

 The equation of functional dependence of gravitation constant upon the electric constant is obtained. It is assumed that gravitation is a wave contribution from the mass of charged particles during their movement in the field of central forces.

KEYWORDS: gravitation mechanism, conditions of stationary state, corpuscular-wave processes


CATEGORY : Research Topic on Language [ Original Research Article ]

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 5 Manuscript Title : Literature thinking of Prof. Dr. D. Hidayat in the book “Balāgah for Everyone”
Author’s Name : Prof. Dr. H. A. Fahmy Arief & Dr. Siti Muna Hayati
Article Type : Original Research Article
Country from : INDONESIA
Date of Publication:  31-12-2022
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 77.0/Issue-I/Chapter-I/Page – 11-14 [SEPTEMBER-2022 EDITION ]

Article Code : LNG-V77-I1-C3-SEP-2022
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation 
Download PDF : Full article (Pdf)
Doi No : 10.5281/zenodo.7512634


ABSTRACTProf. Dr. D. Hidayat is Indonesia’s foremost expert in Balag}ah Science. His most recent work is “Balaghah for Everyone”. This good book begins with a discussion of the meaning of Al- Balāgah in relation to “اَلسِّيَاقُ”. Followed by an explanation of Al- Balāgah in relation to “اَلْفَصَاحَةُ”. Then it is continued with a description of Al- Balāgah in relation to “اَلْأُسْلُوْبُ”. Then sequentially he explained about what is called “أَسَالِيْبُ الْمَعَانِى”, “أَسَالِيْبُ الْبَيَانِ”, and “أَسَالِيْبُ الْبَدِيْع”. click here

This book, which consists of 167 pages, is written in light and straightforward Indonesian. That’s why the book published by PT. Toha Putra’s work is called Balaghah For Everyone.

Keywords: Balāgah, Al-Fasāhah, Al-Uslūb, Al-Ma’āni, Al-Bayān, Al-Badī’

N.b : More paper will be updated soon in this volume. Our publication process is still running. Thank you.

(i) To Publish your paper in our upcoming issue send your article directly at article.ijf@gmail.com