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AUGUST 2022/ Vol.76.0/ Issue-I 

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CATEGORY : Research Topic on Physical Science & Space Research [ Original Research Article ]

SL.No. Detailed information of the published article
 1 Manuscript Title : Unity and Correlations of Entropic Components in physical and chemical regularities.
Author’s Name : Grigory Andreevich Korablev
Article Type : Original Research Article
Date of Publication:  30-11-2022
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 76.0/Issue
-I/Chapter-I/Page – 01-07 [AUGUST-2022 EDITION ]
Article Code : PSSR-V76-I1-C1-AUG-2022
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
Download PDF : Full article (Pdf)
Doi No : 10.5281/zenodo.7379661


ABSTRACTAll phenomena and processes in the nature and world proceed only in two energy directions: either along the force field gradient with minimum energy input (entropy) or against the gradient with maximum energy input (negentropy).  click here

 The graphs of S-curves and their nomograms characterize the dynamics of change in entropic components depending on the process main parameters. The condition of the system stationary state is the equality or constant of the correlation between its entropy and negentropy (equilibrium dynamics). Such regularities are found in many phenomena and conformational interactions in physical chemistry, nature, engineering and even economics. The examples of their functional contribution are given.

KEYWORDS: entropy, negentropy, conditions of systems stabilization, S-curves, their diversity, physical and chemical regularities, coronavirus, bioenergetics.


CATEGORY : Research Topic on Medical Science [ Original Research Article ]

SL.No. Detailed information of the published article
 2 Manuscript Title : The Factors Related to Anxiety in Workers with Covid-19 Exposure Risk in Banjarbaru City Health Centers.
Author’s Name : Istiana1,*Ihya Hazairin Noor2,Zuhrufa Wana Yolanda,Elwan Mustawan4,Muhammad Irfan5
Article Type : Original Research Article
Country from : INDONESIA
Date of Publication:  30-11-2022
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 76.0/Issue-I/Chapter-I/Page – 08-14 [AUGUST-2022 EDITION ]

Article Code : MDS-V76-I1-C2-AUG-2022
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation  
Download PDF : Full article (Pdf)
Doi No : 10.5281/zenodo.7379703


ABSTRACT: The transmission of Covid-19 had a wide impact, including the health workers, which became the front line in order to help handling Covid-19 victims. Previous studies show that the health workers have 3 times bigger risk of being infected with Covid-19. This research aimed to know the determinant factors related to anxiety in workers with Covid-19 exposure risk in Banjarbaru City Health Center. The method used in this research is the analytical observational with the cross-sectional design at 10 health centers in Banjarbaru City on August 15th until September 15th 2022.   click here

 The population in this research is the health workers of the health centers that handle Covid-19 in Banjarbaru City. The sample was taken by the simple random sampling method and obtained samples of 104 people who became the research respondents. All the data was taken by using an online questionnaire based on Google Forms and the anxiety parameter was determined by Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS). The obtained Chi-Square test results show that family status (p=0,034), comorbid disease status (p=0,034), patient’s honesty (p=0,006), PPE availability (p=0,039), knowledge (p=0,035), work load (p=0,038), and training (p=0,047) are related to anxiety, meanwhile, age (p=0,129) and sex (p=0,570) are not related to anxiety. The logistic regression test results show that comorbid status is the most influential variable that related to anxiety with the biggest Exp(B) value among the variables, which is 3,569. The research result gives recommendation that the Health Center, the Health Department, and other related parties must give a special attention to the health workers as the front line of Covid-19 handler, especially the health workers that have comorbid disease status, which needed the risk control in dealing very tense and anxiety-inducing conditions, and important to do anxiety management in order to not have negative impacts on the mental health of health workers.

KEYWORDS: Anxiety, Health Workers, Covid-19

CATEGORY : Research Topic on Language [ Original Research Article ]

SL.No. Detailed information of the published article
 3 Manuscript Title : Exploring the socio pragmatic aspect of Almajirai discourse : Bara in Niger
Author’s Name : ABOUBAKAR Nana Aichatou
Article Type : Original Research Article
Country from : NIGER REPUBLIC
Date of Publication:  30-11-2022
Journal Name : Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries [ ISSN : 2456-1045 ]
Article Identification : Vol. 76.0/Issue
-I/Chapter-III/Page – 15-22 [AUGUST-2022 EDITION ]
Article Code : LNG-V76-I1-C3-JUL-2022
Status : Officially published
Publisher : International Journal Foundation 
Download PDF : Full article (Pdf)
Doi No : 10.5281/zenodo.7066438


ABSTRACTThis study investigated the socio-pragmatic content and functions of Bara. It seeks to provide insights on the way a given social group (Aalmajirai) constructed language patterns, bara in view to impacting positively on the minds of their addressees and serve their purpose within a given social fabric. Besides, Bara is viewed as a significant sociocultural phenomenon which has arguably been around since the event of Islamic religion in most West African countries. The naturally occurring data used were collected randomly based on observation and experience at different times, transcribed and analysed based on various available approaches. click here

 The study found out that the expressions used are true reflections of the feelings, concerns and needs of the population under study. The findings also revealed that Bara fulfilled the six functions of language. Strikingly, in this study the wind of linguistic and cultural dynamism did not blow in the context of this phenomenon as no variations nor change were depicted regarding this language. Laden with social and cultural dimensions these expressions Almajirai have developed as unique linguistic nuances that are socio-linguistically tied to their social and educational (Almajirci system) background are useful strategic competent communicative tools in their hands. As such and as things have since deteriorated, that the concept of Bara begging for food is misconceived, misinterpreted as synonymous to street begging translated as ‘un fait social’, worse as a social malaise, it is recommended further research should be undertaken to study the other face of the phenomenon. It is hoped the study will be of valued contribution to linguistic studies, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, educational psychology, education and least but not last to authority.

KEYWORDS: Bara, Almajirai, Socio-Pragmatics, strategic competence communicative tools, ,language variation, fait social,

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N.b : More paper will be updated soon in this volume. Our publication process is still running. Thank you.

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